View Full Version : Breast pain only when touched

15-11-15, 15:00
I'm back again. Today my daughter hugged me and I got a horrible sharp pain. I remember gettin this last year but I'm so scared. The consultant said last year that I have normal lumpy breasts and some people have pain. Has anyone had this I'm so worried

15-11-15, 18:47
I had a sore spot few weeks bk and it bow seems to have gone I'm sure if you've had them checked your fine hun

15-11-15, 19:02
I had them checked nearly a year ago so Im worried incase it's something bad. So scared

15-11-15, 19:52
A year ago, you were told the same thing and it's not sinister. Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

15-11-15, 20:58
It just feels different this time. I gave my daughter a big cuddle and the sharp pain made me jump just about. I'm so worried. Feel like my life's over its horrible

15-11-15, 21:24
It just feels different this time. I gave my daughter a big cuddle and the sharp pain made me jump just about. I'm so worried. Feel like my life's over its horrible

A year ago, you were told the same thing and it's not sinister. Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

Please answer the question.... Are you getting help with your anxiety????

Positive thoughts

16-11-15, 00:49
Are you breastfeeding?

16-11-15, 10:06
I am not getting help with my anxiety at the moment. I'm also not breast feeding. I'm so worried. I can't even be touched on this breast and when I am its this sharp pain. It's making me really depressed thinking I have cancer

16-11-15, 10:36
Hey :-)

when my anxiety was at its worst I was sure I was dying of Breast cancer.. the most awful burning searing pain in both breasts.. only when touched, knocked or brushed past! I too went to see quite a few GPS and they all examined them and told me I have natural Lumpy breasts and nothing to worry about.

I have noticed a pattern in the pain I get! I actually hurt just now (agony) so my pain start 9/9 days before my period and then its stops.. couldn't tell you when because now my anxiety is not so bad I am not obsessive.

Of course at my worse point I googled and got the whole breast cancer response but I also got info on hormonal and pre menopause hormonal changes in women. if you look clearly into the pain you are feeling the changes for hormones can include painful breasts, aching arms and sharp pains in back.

I have taken this all on board and although it still worrys me I take comfort in the fact that I have been checked and I have all the above symptoms (which can also be caused by ANXIETY)

I know it is scary but seriously you need to trust the medical professionals.. also try taking evening primrose oil daily!!! it has certainly helped me a lot


16-11-15, 13:09
Thank you so much for replying. I am at my wits end today crying moaning at my daughter for the least things. I think because it's only one side I'm thinking the worst. It'd horrible because I'm scared to even hug people. I pressed my breast half an hour ago and the pain was horrendous. My stomach literally turned with fear

16-11-15, 13:15
What do expect people to say? If you're in that much pain, go to the doctor. While you're there, and ask about therapy as this is affecting not only you.

Positive thoughts

17-11-15, 08:42
I would really appreciate if you would if you would not comment if you dont have anything nice to say!!!

17-11-15, 12:43
I would really appreciate if you would if you would not comment if you dont have anything nice to say!!!


It may be blunt but it's not without sympathy or compassion. You've had this fear for close to a year. You've been cleared medically. Nothing anyone says helps you and you're back posting about it again shortly thereafter. Really, in a years time, if it were sinister, you would be quite ill by now and the fact that you're posting this on an anxiety website indicates that on some level, you know what I'm saying is true.

You just said it's gotten to the point that you're snapping out at your daughter over the littlest things. When your anxiety begins to affect those around you, it's time to seriously look into getting help. Seeing you so upset and scared all the time isn't good for your child. They're quite intuitive and pick up on SO much more than we even realize.

Please... for yourself and your child, seek some help.

Positive thoughts

17-11-15, 18:41
I have one breast that is liable to become painful, sometimes aching, sometimes just tender, either overall in a particular spot, sometimes a sharp pain. But I have had this for 43 years - I know because my middle child is 43 tomorrow and it all started when I was breastfeeding him! So I know it's nothing serious, have had it examined plenty of times and gone through umpteen routine mammograms.

Having said that, I would still get it checked out for your own peace of mind.

18-11-15, 14:41
Its just so hard not to think rationally. The slightest touch is causing me to jump with pain bit that may be from me.poking and making it inflamed? I'm going to try and not touch it at all and also try and keep my mind off it. I wish I had normal breasts that weren't painful

22-11-15, 13:40
I have breast pain today. I also have shooting pain up into my armpit. I can't help worrying, even though the most likely thing is hormonal changes. I can feel many lumps if i prod hard enough but they're all smooth and round and non-tethered. I know rationally that I'm fine, but nowadays I only have to think one negative thought and it's as it there's a short-circuit and I go straight to the physical symptoms of anxiety, without stopping to ruminate!
Once they start my whole day is ruined. It's exhausting isn't it? I've been forgetting to take my SJW but I think if anything it makes me more tightly-wound.
Writing this down is somewhat helpful. Trying to be mindful and distract myself. What will be will be and all that.

23-11-15, 16:26
It's so hard I try my hardest to try and forget about it but I keep pressing the area. I can't seem to feel any distinct lumps as that breast alone is lumpy. I am going on holiday next week and Its going to ruin the time with my family as I know I'll be worrying. I'm so worried that I've been left inase it is cancer and I've been waiting so long and still no breast clinic appointment. I'm trying to tell myself constant that I had an ultrasound last year and trying to reassure myself but I can't help but think the worst

26-11-15, 10:06
Does anyone have advice to try and not think about this for a while? I go on holiday this weekend and want to enjoy it with my family. I want to try and stop thinking about it. I've also tried to stop prodding my breast which has helped

26-11-15, 12:54
Stay off here hun until you feel stronger, by posting on here, you are keeping it firmly in your mind. When you feel the pain, remind yourself that you've had it for a while and it hasn't caused you immediate harm. Tell yourself that there's nothing you can do while you are away, and you'll deal with it when you get back.
Don't Google anything when you're away, give your mind a holiday and it all might feel so much better when you go home.

26-11-15, 13:36
Stay off here hun until you feel stronger, by posting on here, you are keeping it firmly in your mind.

Excellent advice not only for the OP but for many people here. I see this often on the boards. Someone posts a concern and then will stay logged in for hours and hours seeking reassurance. You can see their anxiety spiraling as the thread goes on. As much as it's beneficial to know you're not alone and while it can be cathartic to write out your thoughts, the forum can be detrimental in that it gives birth to your fears, feeds them and can make them grow stronger.

Positive thoughts

26-11-15, 18:49
Thank you so much I will be doing that. I'm also keeping myself busy which will hopefully help

26-11-15, 20:13
Have a lovely holiday, I took a break from here for two weeks and came back bouncing with energy hun, so much stronger than when I left. I'm not saying nmp was responsible for that, but I was using this board for reassurance when I know I need to learn to reassure myself.

Dornish Red
27-11-15, 00:48
Hey I just wanted to tell you you should not worry, my breasts are tender to touch for the most part of my cycle. Sometimes they get so tender that if I'm wearing a tight jacket it hurts just wearing it. My breasts also feel lumpy. So it's totally normal to have breasts tender to touch. You probably made things worse when you prodded them too much, and also exaggarating the pain in your head. Enjoy your holiday, and please don't worry.

27-11-15, 15:13
I was doing OK now holding my daughter today I felt pain and felt like she was leaning on a lump. I hate this worrying it's driving me crazy. Has anyone has this when holding things against the breast? In definitely looking forward to my holiday.

08-12-15, 11:21
Hi guys well I called the breast clinic this morning and I'm still on the waiting list and they don't know when I'll be seen. I can now feel lumpy area in left breast that's got me worried. My right breast wasn't sore on holiday because I didn't bother with it

08-12-15, 11:36
How come it is taking so long to get an appointment with the breast clinic? In my area everyone is usually seen within two weeks or so, whether they think its urgent or not?

08-12-15, 12:36
My right breast wasn't sore on holiday because I didn't bother with it

Putting aside your fears for a moment and using common sense, What does that tell you? :winks:

Positive thoughts

08-12-15, 14:31
If its non urgent you won't be seen in 2 weeks. But the fact I've been waiting so long os shockin I think. I know my gp isn't worried but still I should be seen ages ago. I'm going back to see my gp this week

09-12-15, 11:27
Does anyone have advice to stop focusing on this and try and put it to the back of my head until my appointment. It's so hard trying to not touch the breast when it gets in the way of everything. I want to stop thinking and convincing myself I'm going to die of breast cancer

09-12-15, 18:30
Go back on holiday! That seemed to take your mind off it, take comfort in the fact the Doctor hasn't marked your referral as urgent, there are guidelines for testing and if they were concerned you'd have been seen by now.
Hope you enjoyed your holiday.

10-12-15, 11:17
I can be OK for days like my daughter last night leaned right on my breast I screamed with the pain then had a major anxiety attack. I've just about convinced myself I do have breast cancer