View Full Version : Feel like I'm coming down with a cold but no runny nose?

dizzy daisy
15-11-15, 16:16
I'm feeling quite achy all over like I'm coming down with a cold or something but no runny nose or anything. I've been extremely tense over the last 3 weeks really - do you think this is anxiety related?
Just fed up I feel like crying xxx

15-11-15, 16:56

On Friday I was achy all over, Yesterday I was the same but developed a cough and a runny nose. You might have all that to look forward to, I think I have a mild flu the only really problem is the cough and the fever for me as the cough is annoying and the fever made me have night sweats which wasn't pleasant at all.

I think we are experiencing some bad viruses in the UK at the moment and I think all the stress and anxiety has made me a bit of a target for the viruses due to my sleep problems and other stuff like that.


dizzy daisy
15-11-15, 17:10
I think you're right about there being lots of weird viral stuff going about. You're also right about the anxiety just making it all worse for us. Thanks for the reply xxx

15-11-15, 22:57
It could be either. Anxiety can mirror the fever type symptoms of a cold. It's not fun :(

dizzy daisy
16-11-15, 12:41
It certainly isn't. I'm so fed up of it now xxx

16-11-15, 14:29
I've had this, and even been anxious about it quite a few times. It's very possible to get a cold without the typical runny nose/sore throat etc... Nothing to worry about :)

16-11-15, 14:42
The common cold is unique in that we never catch the same virus. Each cold can affect the individual differently. I've had colds where my nose was a faucet and colds where it was all in my chest etc. You just have to ride it out...

Positive thoughts

dizzy daisy
16-11-15, 15:19
Thank you all for replying. I know you're right xxx

16-11-15, 17:08
I keep feeling exactly the same. Often it comes on throughout the day and then I go to bed and wake up fine again.
There are also loads and loads of brutal viruses going around. I've had some joint pain and pinching pains in different areas of my limbs since I got a nasty virus with a fever 3 months ago

dizzy daisy
16-11-15, 19:33
I'm just like that it just comes and goes. It usually builds up later in the day and then as you say when I wake I don't feel so bad. I'm sure it will all pass for us soon. I'm just glad I'm not the only one xxxx

16-11-15, 20:00
It makes me wonder sometimes if it's some kind of allergy. Sometimes I get it badly right after I eat....my sinuses all feel really weird like someone is inflating a balloon in my head and my neck starts to feel all stiff and I feel really tired. So odd and hard to explain x

dizzy daisy
16-11-15, 21:52
I get the sinus thing too just like pressure out of no where it drives me mad xxx