View Full Version : Pregnant and pain

15-11-15, 17:11
22+1 weeks pregnant here and when stretching and moving I have been having pain in my right side. Not my abdomen but my right side. It also hurts their when urinating. I'm so scared it's something bad, it hurts when I get out of bed a lot

15-11-15, 18:33
It's normal in the second trimester to get pain in your sides because your ligaments are stretching to accommodate a growing uterus. If it's bad get hold of your midwife or GP.

You're three weeks ahead of me :)

15-11-15, 20:50
I'm a bit worried about an infection as the pain in present when urinating but not every time. It's hurt 3/5 times in my side today. But it's also present when I move around sometimes n roll over in bed