View Full Version : Touching Lymph Nodes?

16-11-15, 02:05
So I suffer with bad HA, when i was around 11 i discovered I had a rather large mastoid on my left side, it was hard but could also be described as squidgy, it was the length of my whole mastoid.. The doctor thought nothing of it.. however now 18 and studying a radiotherapy course I feel it has grown... obsession with touch my right side behind my ear I believe has made it inflame too... am I just making them inflame from overtouching??? Or what...

16-11-15, 07:38
Just leave them be, I'd say. I also have had really bad anxiety about lymph nodes. If the doctor thought nothing of it and you've had it for seven years now, I wouldn't be too worried; it's entirely possible to make lymph nodes (and indeed stay up) by touching them from what I've learned, hence why it seems probably THE most common stress point for health anxiety sufferers. It could even just be your perception is that it's grown- as someone very rightfully pointed out earlier here on my post seeking similar help and expressing the same concern, we often overblow the size of them and freak out due to these anxieties when in reality we can't really perceive how big they are at all.

16-11-15, 12:39