View Full Version : Horrible events -lots of triggers-

16-11-15, 06:19
I have to get this out-

I have been fighting for my " calm" all week and now on Sunday I think I am losing the battle.

I work in a family business that is almost 200 years old. This week we found out about several disasterous financial decisions made by my aging father.

His decisions have threatened the continuation of our business.

We could lose all the employees, some of whom have worked in the business for 3 generations. They are family to me-I love every single one of them.

I had to sit through a series of meetings/conference calls with our banker and accountants-all the while trying to remember to breathe!

I had to tell the head of one division that we may not be able to keep her section open-I wanted to die.

I can't face any of our employees.

I am also facing certain financial ruin myself.

I am struggling to deal with the rapid decline of my father. My Grandmother has Alzeimhers and it looks like my father is suffering from the same disease.

My Beloved man, who is my rock ,had to leave for 2 weeks on a business trip to Australia.

Today my little cat started puking bloody foam. I took her to the Emergency Clinic where after 3 hours they couldn't determine the cause of the blood.

I am gutted now.

My little cat is so special to me. I fed her feral mother for 5 years. Her mother never wanted to live with us -weep.
In July 2014, I found my little feral cat dead in my flower garden. She had a tiny little kitten ( approx. 3 wks old) trying to cuddle in to her dead body.
I can't even think about that without crying.
My anxiety has led my google her symptoms which has led to my complete breakdown.

All of this is exploding into the worst panic and anxiety .

I just have to get it out-

I cannot even breathe

17-11-15, 20:42
Hey Bluebelle, I just want to send a hug your way. Wish I could help you more - but I am here if you need to talk/vent. :hugs:

22-11-15, 22:40
Hey Bluebelle, I just want to send a hug your way. Wish I could help you more - but I am here if you need to talk/vent. :hugs:

Thank you so much Jadedreams-your hugs have really helped me .
Thank you!

23-11-15, 00:11
Sending hugs as well - :hugs::hugs:

Can't imagine what strain this is putting on you. You must be a wonderful person to see your employees as family. I also am heartbroken reading about your experience with your cat. That sounds terrible.

Please be kind to yourself and try to take it one day at a time. I know this is easier said than done. But this is not your fault.