View Full Version : lost weight - obssessed with checking it

16-11-15, 13:30
I was on here recently for my bowel obsessions. I do actually have crohns, but suddenly got fixated on it. Anyway - the Dr said he thinks all is good, and I am mainly over that. This lasted about 5 weeks.

Anyway, during this time I lost weight. I lost close to 4 lbs. I have fluctuated by a few lbs a week before - but am usually go back to my equilibrium. This was 178.6. It is now 174.6. I have now become fearful of this. I weight myself, and get anxious. I am counting my calories, trying to pack them on and gain back the weight. I am avoiding exercise because I don't want to burn the calories. Has anyone gone though this?

Here is my list of fears, and my logical explanations:

Losing weight because I am sick - crohns or something else
Scared my weight will keep falling, making me more anxious
I will go to see Dr, have to do tests
Will be anxious during tests - will get bad diagnosis
will fall apart
will get sick and die (extreme I know but I am following through)

Rational and challenges:
I reduced my calories significantly in the past month as I was scared of my bowel movements. I ate a lot less, and snacked less.
I was also depressed and ate less
I go to the gym and do intense exercise 3 times a week, and I was walking and running 3 times a week. The walking was new - 10,000 steps a day was my goal - and this is when weight loss started.
Even if I am sick, which I probably am not - I have no other symptoms so it is likely something simple.
By stopping the exercise I am robbing myself of something I like to do, plus something that helps to stop my anxiety.
By eating unhealthy or too much, I am feeding (literally) the anxiety as I let it control me.

dizzy daisy
16-11-15, 15:26
Robin I've lost a few pounds too. Rationally I've not eaten an awful lot over the last few weeks and have only started to eat normal meals in the last few days. Also I've been so very anxious and just about every muscle had ached with tension including my tummy. I feel like I've done sit ups really so I guess it all contributes to losing weight.
I had bloods done last week whuch in frightened about. I would hope that if something significant would have been found my doctor would have called by now so trying to remain calm.
You need to think rationally too - haven't eaten as much etc etc xxxx

16-11-15, 16:18
Please listen to your rational mind here. Fluctuations are normal. Heck, I've lost a few pounds after a good sit if you know what I mean :whistles:

Positive thoughts

16-11-15, 16:39
Thanks Fishman!

I have too - but this is my 'normal' weight upon first waking. Mine will fluctuate during the week, depending on a big supper or whatever, but always goes back to a fixed point. This was 178.6 lbs... it dropped to 174.6 pretty consistently. I added up my daily calories and I was only eating 1100 calories or so a day. So I am hoping this is it!

But I still get your point. Thank you for your feedback - you are the voice of reason on this site!

16-11-15, 18:01
"Yeah but"... 4 lbs is nothing really. You know that. Increasing calories can put on weight but do so with things that will help build lean mass. You exercise so putting on a couple of pounds of lean muscle is ideal. Think about a whey protein supplement. Get an unflavored one or vanilla that you can mix with fruit for a smoothie. Just eating additional "stuff" won't do it.

Positive thoughts

17-11-15, 10:30
I ate a lot yresterday to try to get my weight up. Prob 2200 calories. I did go running for 30min - so burned 300 calories.

I got up this am, and after going to the washroom, checked my weight. 174.3. Down .4 lbs. Not even up any!

I know... only .4. But I ate a lot!

Trying to think some rationality - that I just had major HA for a month about something else. What are the chances something different, with weight loss as only symptom striking. But still very anxious and disappointed. Was hoping for an uptick.

17-11-15, 11:09
I can lose 4lb by moving my scales a tiny fraction in my bathroom. Needless to say, I move my scales often and take the lowest reading as Gospel. I can gain more than 4 lb during a period, lost more than 4lb the following week. 4lb is not drastic weight loss, if you were to lose this on a weekly basis consistently without changing any of your eating / exercise habits then that maybe a concern, but I really wouldn't be worried.

18-11-15, 11:30
So I have decided to stop checking it... and least not on a daily basis.
Yesterday I must have checked 20 times in the morning. It all led to more anxiety. I was eating and eating to try to move it up - not healthy.

I will check maybe once a week. So far this is helping my anxiety, although I do get the urge when I walk by. And I still have this nagging feeling that 'something' is wrong in the background.

dizzy daisy
18-11-15, 13:25
Hi robin I've decided not to check everyday too because it was sending me insane with worry.

18-11-15, 14:36
Good idea Daisy. Good for you!

I caved and checked. Thought it might be up. Was about the same - which worried me since I ate a lot yesterday. But trying to take that as a a lesson not to check.

18-11-15, 22:39
I lost about 30 lbs in the last 4 months. Had me freaked out because I thought I was sick with terminal illness.

Have to remember that when people that lose weight because of something like cancer, are usually very sick.

I was actually very depressed, anxious and worried all the time. I hardly ate and the constant anxiety taxed my body and therefore caused me to lose lots of weight.

Once I got over my anxiety though I stopped losing weight, I would've liked to continue losing but I must do it in a healthy way, exercise, diet etc.

Good luck.