View Full Version : Don't know what this is

16-11-15, 23:31
Hey everyone.

You may remember my previous post about being convinced that I have narcolepsy.
I went to a sleep clinic last week and asked the sleep doctor if that's what I might have and he said that he didn't think so and the sleep technician said "not likely."
I feel like I didn't really get to explain my symptoms though, just that I kept dozing off in class and such.
For the last month-ish, I've been dealing with the same thing. Tiredness/fatigue, falling asleep very quickly at night, dreaming during naps. The thing that worries me most is this feeling that I have right now. I feel just out of it, like I'm in a dream or something. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing even though I am getting work done and am functioning okay. It's a really scary feeling and I'm convinced it's because I am sleep deprived because I have narcolepsy. The feeling comes and goes, sometimes I feel fine but it's really peaking right now.

16-11-15, 23:38
Did they run any tests on you at the sleep clinic? They would be the only people to truly be able to help you.

Anxiety can make you fatigued for sure, and if you constantly think about it you can make yourself feel tired when you aren't necessarily fatigued.

16-11-15, 23:46
Just an at home sleep study to test for sleep apnea, which I am sure I don't have. He said I didn't have the symptoms that they would look for in narcolepsy.

16-11-15, 23:58
It sounds alot like anxiety. I get that way it seems like everything is dream like. Kinda hard to describe, and I get really tired. I just feel exhausted and have no reason to be . Try to get blood work done if you havent done so. I knew a narcoleptic and he didnt realize he had narcolepsy others around hom did. Youll be ok just try to relax .

18-11-15, 23:17
Thanks nivekc! I keep trying to tell myself that it is anxiety but then the narcolepsy thoughts creep back. I just feel so out of it all the time, like I'm not really myself.
Today, I was on the phone with a friend and she said something and I missed what it was. I think I sniffed or something and just didn't hear. Then it was awkward because I didn't know what to say. I am convinced that I had a microsleep because I have narcolepsy and now I am trying to replay the conversation in my mind to see what happened and why I missed what she said.
This is making me crazy.

04-12-15, 23:57
Hey all. I am back. I didn't know if I should start a new thread or not.
My fear about having narcolepsy won't stop. I watched a Youtube video about it yesterday and the girl was explaining what it's like to have it and she's constantly tired and stuff.
This has been going on for a while but yesterday and today were bad. I just feel so fatigued and out of it. My friends at university keep talking about pulling all nighters and stuff and I literally can't stay awake past 11:00. During the day, I just feel so lightheaded and such and I am SO stressed that it is narcolepsy! I sometimes feel like I'm in a dream state. If I lay down right now, I could fall asleep within minutes and I am constantly like that. People say that if they have a nap in the afternoon, they can't sleep at night but I could sleep for 4 hours during the day and still sleep at night. I am just super worried still, that I have narcolepsy. The doctors say that I don't but I am like, what if it's a mild case or something?
Thanks for reading :)

05-12-15, 22:26
Does anything like this happen to anyone else? I an't tell if it's tiredness/sleepiness or just lightheadedness. I'm so convinced that it's narcolepsy and I am freaking out. I wouldn't even drive to meet my mom today for a coffee because I am scared that I will fall asleep driving, even though it has never happened. She picked me up and we went out for an hour or so and I was fine. I don't know what is happening to me.

07-12-15, 01:13
I am so sorry to be so annoying but this is really stressing me out. Being tired is on my mind 100% of the time and I'm constantly thinking, what if I fall asleep? I'm supposed to go out for my birthday next week and I'm already stressing about what if I fall asleep at the restaurant! Any insight??

07-12-15, 01:39
Any insight??

The only insight anyone could have is by what you posted....

"I went to a sleep clinic last week and asked the sleep doctor if that's what I might have and he said that he didn't think so and the sleep technician said "not likely."

So it's "not likely".

Positive thoughts

08-12-15, 23:15
I'm really freaked out again!
Yesterday was a good day but today hasn't been so good. My first class was fine and then in my second class I felt really lightheaded and dizzy and out of it. Then, I met my friend for a coffee after and was okay but then I just had this spell of almost dizziness and then I felt like I was going into a dream, almost while I was talking and like I was really far away from myself if that makes sense. Then as soon as it happened I had a panic attack and felt the blood rush to my face and now I'm convinced that this is another sign of narcolepsy. I didn't lose consciousness but I feel like I was in a dream just for a second. I'm freaked out again. Help? I've felt lightheaded and out of it all day again.