View Full Version : Lying in bed working myself into a panic frenzy

17-11-15, 04:16
One step forward, two steps back. I have this closet in my apartment that houses all sorts of pipes and gauges, as well as a w/d combo. I don't like this closet. It's always loud, with what I believe is water coursing through the pipes to heat or cool the apartment. Awhile back water was leaking when I did a load of laundry, leading to a few weeks of fear around mold before I finally (mostly) let that fear go.

Tonight I heard two sounds come from the closet I haven't heard before. I actually went to see if a small bottle of something had fallen in the bathroom. When I went to bed I closed the doors to said closet (I had left them open to help the dryer cool off). I know it was my mind playing tricks on me, but I can nearly swear there was a haze in the air.

Now I lie here in bed, arms tingling, heart racing, and my mind telling me how some pipe came loose or gauge malfunctioned and there is toxic gas seeping into the apartment. Then I think maybe it won't kill me but do something awful like blind me or leave me lightheaded for the rest of my life. I don't even know if this apartment uses gas!

I don't know how much longer I can take living in an environment that is often making me feel like I need to flee. My fight or flight response is forever activated on flight.

I'm not even looking for anyone to reassure me like I usually am I guess. I think I'm hoping that putting this in black and white will help. I just don't know.

17-11-15, 10:42
I don't know how to deal with this, because now it's like there's no safe place to be. Your home is meant to be your sanctuary, but it is causing me so much anxiety!

17-11-15, 11:03
What you could do is get somebody in to check everything over? I'm assuming you have a smoke alarm already, but maybe pick up a carbon monoxide monitor (they are VERY cheap) just to put your mind at ease. But also like I said get someone in to go over all the pipes and stuff and make sure everything is safe. You shouldn't be feeling this way in your own home.

17-11-15, 11:33
I have merged your two threads together for you now

21-11-15, 14:47
Hey lauren

The unknown is definitely scary and when we don't have certainty over things we will get anxious, fidgety, and fearful. What you should do is have everything checked and not let your own imagination control your emotion. Find reassurance and have peace of mind, like you said your home should be your sanctuary.

Don't hesitate, your safety is your priority. If you feel like something is wrong have it checked immediately. Your mind is wondering off because of anxiety but you should maintain your resolve and act accordingly, do the proper cautionary measures and don't get fixated on your irrational thoughts. Once you found out what it is exactly and have it fixed, you will definitely feel better.