View Full Version : Don't know what to do any advice please

17-11-15, 07:33
I've been on cit for about 12 weeks now increased to 30mg 2 weeks ago. Although I have occasional good moments usually in the evenings my anxiety I'd still bad particularly in the mornings. My Dr wants me to stick with it at 30 for about 6 weeks before we discuss other options, if I thought it still had a chance to settle and making a difference I would be happy to keep going. I'm finding it very difficult, can anyone help? Sarah

17-11-15, 16:46
I'd stick with it a little longer Sarah, no medication is going to be a magical cure, hopefully in the next few weeks you'll start noticing a bit more relief, as it began to work for me I noticed more and more good days and fewer bad ones.

Saying that I'd go back in a few weeks if there's no/little change and ask to try one of the other many options.

29-11-15, 18:50
How are you feeling now? I've been on 30mg for about 10 weeks now and I really don't feel any different than when I was on 20mg. My GP wants me to go up to 40mg but it seems like such a high dose. I'm unsure what to do.

29-11-15, 21:04
How are you feeling now? I've been on 30mg for about 10 weeks now and I really don't feel any different than when I was on 20mg. My GP wants me to go up to 40mg but it seems like such a high dose. I'm unsure what to do.

Did you feel much difference from 20mg?

29-11-15, 21:17
Did you feel much difference from 20mg?
I definitely felt a difference, but only about 50%. The anxiety is still there all the time, but without the daily panic attacks.