View Full Version : Cant sleep :(

17-11-15, 08:20
So my anxiety has been at times the last 3 weeks taking me to the point were i felt i couldn't cope im currently being looked after by family.

The last 3 weeks for sleep have been horrendous and I have never experienced this before. I am waking up every hour every night and constantly feel exhausted doctor has gave me some zopiclone but i am scared to take it and don't really want to take meds.

Is this insomnia??

is 3 weeks a dangerous amount of time??

Will it get better or will I be like this forever??

17-11-15, 15:46
Bump know one??

17-11-15, 22:35
Hi gadgirl.

I know exactly how you feel. My anxiety severely affects my sleep when it flares up.

One thing that has helped me relax into a good sleep it tensing your muscles one by one starting from your feet, hold each tense muscle for 10 seconds then relax it. It helps to relax the body.
Valerian tea is often recommended as a sleep aid, I found it had only a very mild effect but it couldn't harm you to try some, be warned however that it smells like feet! Tastes similar to chamomile, I mixed the two together.

Reading in bed I find very soothing, nothing to exciting, just something to help focus on, actually I bought a couple of books I read as a child which had a calming effect.

I know you don't want to take meds but should you feel it necessary I would highly recommend propranolol, something to consider.

No, it isn't dangerous, you may not be getting much sleep but you are getting some. And no, you will not feel like this forever.

You are not alone with this :-)

17-11-15, 22:35
Hi Hun

Sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment:(. I suffer sometimes like you.

I find the more I worry, the more I don't sleep, anxiety sets in, then it's like a snowball effect! I try to have a bath, read Claire Weekes and lay down. I concentrate on the noises outside. It's quite hard at first, but give it a go! Maybe take a med, your body needs sleep to aid recovery.

Jackie x

18-11-15, 08:00
Hi gurl,
Worry not! It is absolutely normal to have such anxiety attacks and of course it is curable. The best thing is that you yourself have diagnosed your problem and you are willing even to heal it yourself.

Listen to some relaxing music.
Eat a balanced diet.
Go outdoors. Swim, run, play or just walk. Breathe deep and slow.
Have good people who make you feel better, around you.
Try and meditate. Centre yourself.

All these thing may sound cliche but they work.

Take care and remember life is good! :)

18-11-15, 10:31
Hi everyone,thank you for the reply.

I just get so worried about stuff.. I am actually thinking I had a total nervous breakdown at the end of last month.. I think being ill plus constant anxiety then the anxiety of being ill and not sleeping at all then hallucinating with my eyes closed just sent me over the edge i also had fluid in my ears which totally made me feel like I was in a dream world I actually went to a & e and told them my brain felt weird and that I was going schizophrenic the doctor said I wasn't.

It got to the point where I was googling loads of stuff and I read on a forum that this guy committed suicide because of all his symptoms then for some reason i had in my head for the whole day my own voice saying suicide over and over again it really scared me I didn't have a plan or anything like that and it seems really stupid because my health anxiety revolves around being scared im going to die of something.

My uncle came to visit me and i broke down in front of him and he ordered me to come back to my home town and stay with him to try and get better as i had stopped eating aswell etc.

I live by myself in Glasgow (Scotland) I left my home town of Edinburgh when I was 17 to start a new life im now 25 i dont have any other family support so my uncle taking me in was defo a godsend as I was looking at committing myself to a Mental Hospital.

I don't feel overly anxious during the day and my palpitations have calmed down i just don't understand why i cant sleep through the night now :(

Is it going to take a while before it happens?
Have I put my body through so much stress that my brain is out of wack.

I am eating again and very healthy and drinking plenty. I don't have any caffeine,drugs or alcohol I stopped all that when I was 16. and I dont smoke i use an ecig.

Sorry I have just realised I have totally rambled on guys.

18-11-15, 17:41
Your sleep will return to normal ,your body has a way of getting enough rest as it needs
Make sure your sleep hygiene is good and don't go to bed until your really tired,stay away from the lap top etc an hour before
Good luck

18-11-15, 17:52
im not sleeping very well either and it really does have an impact on you.
im finding im really tearful at the min aswell and my back aches a little bit and i feel like if i had a good night sleep it might help.

hope you get some sleep soon