View Full Version : Sweating at night.

17-11-15, 09:04

On Saturday I woke up twice cover in sweat I have the Flu/Really bad cold not sure which one but it's one of them. Since then Sunday night and last night I have woken up slightly sweaty, enough that I have had to remover my shirt as it is a little wet. I was just wondering is this normal with a cold? or is this something I should be worrying about?


17-11-15, 09:34
It is normal with a cold. I sometimes wake up a little sweaty which sometimes happens when im really anxious. Its only night sweats that have the bed drenched that you need to change sheets that you should see your GP about.

17-11-15, 09:51
The ones I had on Saturday I needed to change the sheets and my PJ's but I haven't had anything like that since then, so would you say they are down to the cold then and nothing to worry about?


17-11-15, 09:55
Yeah, most people get sweats with cold and flu. I remember before I had any real Health Anxiety and my wife had a flu she was soaking the bed with sweat every night for a week. Also if you go to bed worrying about sweating I can guarantee you will sweat, it must be in your sub-conscious or something, this has happened to me. Your fine

17-11-15, 10:01
Completely normal, it's your body sweating it out

17-11-15, 12:48
Thanks guys, I was getting a little worried as I haven't had anything like this before. Well I may have pre HA but I don't remember as long as you say its normal I am more than happy to let it go.
