View Full Version : Starting an Anxiety/Panic attack support group

18-02-07, 00:57
Hi everyone. I live way up in Northern Maine in the US and have discovered that there are no local support groups up here for panic disorder or any anxiety disorders that I am aware of. So I have decided I'm going to work on creating one myself. I have some different ideas for this, but mainly I'm thinking of asking for volunteers. I'm thinking I could find a good therapist, a dietician, a reiki master and perhaps even an EFT practitioner up here to aid me in this. Searching these people out and getting them to volunteer may take a while, but I'm going to give it a shot.

I'm thinking about creating flyers and pamphlets to advertise and sort of get the word out about it. Of course I would first have to find a place and at least a therapist to help get started, but I believe it would be a good resource for my area. It's helpful that my Father works as the PR director for the local hospital so he can aid me in this.

I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas to throw out there. Anything you'd suggest about how to get this started, what steps to take and any sort of particular specialist I should seek out? I'm thinking that if I can arrange it I'd like to begin a support group that can offer both the traditional therapy route and alternative medicine as well.

Advice, ideas and comments are all welcome.

God bless you all,


18-02-07, 01:03
Hi Dave,

Although I do not have any immediate suggestions, I would like to offer you my support.

What you are attemptng to do is a very gracious yet difficult task. I wish you all the luck in the world.

I'm not sure if I can be of any help, but I am a Graphic Designer, so any info you require in this field (pref not WebDesign as I am useless) I would be more than willing to offer any assistance I can.

Please note my e-mail addresses in my profile.

Kind Regards,
