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18-09-04, 19:17
Hi all

Well I am back from my trip to Bristol and have some great news[^]

For those of you that don't know my problems then it is mainly when driving and I have always had a problem with traffic jams and places that I feel I can't get out of easily.

Well last night I did the M25 in the most horrid conditions and I didn't PANIC once [:P]

I drove back from Bristol - took 3 hours - then set off again at 5pm with Alex to drive to my mum's house in Surrey.

I knew that it meant doing the M25 and I have to admit I was NOT looking forward to it cos I always panic on there when I get stuck in traffic.

Well we hit the traffic at the M4 junction and I even managed to venture into the second lane (normally I have to sit in the inside lane so I can pull over to the hard shoulder quickly if I need to).

Well we were sat in it from the M4 down to junction 13 on the M25 when we got off as it was getting late to get to the party!!

I sat in the most terrible traffic jams and I managed to control the panic.

Alex was a big help - he kept telling how well I was doing - and I kept at it.

There were some hairy moments through the roadworks when there was no hard shoulder and nowhere to pull off and we were stationery in traffic and I calmed myself down and kept telling myself that I could do it and no harm would come to me. At one point when the motorways merged I was sat in the 3rd lane in stationery traffic and going nowhere !

I found that if I thought about where I was or what I was doing then it got worse so I just kept saying "you are fine, you are doing great and you can do this"

It took us 3 hours to get to mums (usually takes 1.5 hours) so I did a total of 6 hours driving yesterday. I even drove back today with a hangover though the roads were quieter - thank god.

At one point Alex said to me "this is where you panic'd last time" and I remember it so well and I had a big smile when I passed that point and didn't have any panic!

It was not easy but I did it and I just kept saying "you are ok, you can do this and you don't need to get panicky".

I am so chuffed cos I put myself in the most impossible postition that I could ever be in and I DID IT!!! [Yeah!]


18-09-04, 19:23

Wow - I could never do that!! I'm still getting comfortable with driving around Durham lol. The M25 is like a faraway dream for me. There's no reason why you can't do it more often now lol...Well done!!

Sarah :D

18-09-04, 21:17

That is fantastic news.

I agree with Sarah. The A1(m) and A167 are killer [}:)] - lol

You did it and that is the main thing. Many congratuations indeed.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

18-09-04, 21:46
Thanks Guys - I appreciate the support cos I am so proud I did it.

I forgot to mention that I let my mum drive me in her car to the party and back - only 3 miles each way but that is a 1st for me too.

I was fine in the car! Could I be getting better lol?


18-09-04, 22:29
Well done Nicola. A fantastic achievement.


18-09-04, 22:51
Well done Nic!

Am really happy for you, isnt it an amazing feeling?


18-09-04, 23:26
Hi Nicola

Just wanted to say well done, you must be feeling so elated. Really happy for you :)


18-09-04, 23:53
Hi Nic

Never doubted you couldnt do it and when i got the text wanted to post how well you had done but knew that was up to you to tell us.

You have done so well, there and back and got through a long week alone, but you did it with style.

Well done you, so proud of you mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

19-09-04, 11:31
Really well done. The M25 is horrible at the best of times, never mind with a panic disorder.


19-09-04, 15:01
Hiya nic

welcome back and WELL DONE YOU!!!!! you can show everyone how easy it is to face your fears!

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

19-09-04, 17:48
You must be so happy.

Motorways and stationery traffic are my two worst fears as well.

Maybe there is hope for us all.

welcome back.


19-09-04, 18:43
Hi guys

Thanks for all the lovely messages.

I am off to Wales on Tuesday for the night so I will get to see the lovely M25 again lol.


20-09-04, 14:49
Dear Nic,

I was so thrilled to hear this fantastic news . Very well done indeed.




It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

20-09-04, 19:22
Thanks Meg

I am still really pleased cos I know that it was one thing I had to conquer and I think I am getting there now at last.

Got a 3.5 hour drive tomorrow to Wales but it won't be the roadworks part of the M25 as I get off at the M4 but any exposure is good !!

Let's move on to trains now lol!


21-09-04, 16:52
Well done Nic,

Good luck with the trip today - practice makes perfect

Keep up the positive attitude

Proud of you


21-09-04, 19:22

Well done for coping so well whilst driving!! Its upwards and onwards for you from now on then.

You deserve to feel good...keep up the good work.

Take care
