View Full Version : Sore lymphnode-scared!

17-11-15, 16:50
I've tried to remain calm the last week or so but I'm feeling really anxious today and would appreciate some input.

I had a lymphnode on my neck four years ago that was firm, and didn't really move (a little bigger than a pea). Around that time it swelled up and got sore (I think due to an allergic reaction), stayed that way for a couple weeks then eventually got so small that I couldn't feel it. Also, I had bloodwork done on it during the time that it was big, firm, and sore but it came back normal so I moved on.

Starting last year I could feel it again, but decided this was just the way my node is. Except this last week it started to swell and is now really sore. I'm really scared to get it checked and, unlike last time, I don't have an infection, allergic reaction and am not sick. Can nodes go up for no reason?? If I already had bloodwork come back on it originally should I be concerned? It's really starting to worry me!

17-11-15, 17:07
It's quite possible to have a mild infection or illness and it not make you sick. The node(s) could be reacting to it and stopping you feeling ill.

If you've been prodding it all week as well, that could cause it to swell and hurt also.

Don't touch it for a few days and see if it goes down. Your probably just fighting a bug of some kind ('tis the season!).

If it's still there a week from now, or continues to grow and be more painful, go get it checked.

18-11-15, 22:49
I've had lymph nodes in my neck swell up. I asked my doctor about them and he said our bodies are constantly working to keep us alive, so its probably fighting something all the time. Sometimes it just swells up because its preventing something.

I had that swollen lymph node in my neck for months, I stopped poking it around and just forced myself to forget about it, it eventually went away.

24-11-15, 00:27
Hey guys, I really wanted to respond sooner but my computer was having some issues. I took what you said into consideration and, because it's not any smaller a week later am going to see my gp tomorrow. Here's the thing, I am absolutely TERRIFIED to go. I'm so scared about this whole thing and I don't know how to calm myself down. The fact that it's firm and doesn't move really scares me and even if it was caused by a virus, I have no symptoms and don't feel sick. Darn HA, this is so hard!

25-11-15, 09:21
I am in the same position as you Chantal except my worrying lymph node is in my groin. It is very sore now and causing an aching all down my leg. That said I cannot leave it alone so perhaps have made it that way however with HA it is so hard to rationalise. I am desperate to get to Docs but with all the things on with the children at the moment and my husband constantly away with work or gigging with his band I just haven't time... Plus the one Doctor who isn't judgemental is very part time and the thought of having to see someone else causes me even more anxiety..
I know how it feels to be so terrified but please go to Docs as soon as you can either way it is the best thing to do as if it is nothing (which it probably is) then you will be reassured but it the very rare event it is something it can be dealt with...
Love to you. I hope it is a small comfort that someone out there feels your pain and understands what you are going through. All I want to do is cry too... Xxx

25-11-15, 12:24
Kilimanjaro, if it's any comfort, I went to see my doctor (fears and all!) yesterday after my husband basically forced me to go (he is not the worrying type but after looking at it was concerned). Turns out that the ER doc who diagnosed the lymphnode originally was entirely wrong and scared me for nothing. My doctor took one look at it and said, "that's not a lymphnode, that's a subaceous cyst!" I was floored but, as you can imagine, very relieved. It was drained, bandaged, and all is well.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, even our very worst worries ( and this was a big one for me) can turn out to be nothing serious. Easier said than done, I know. Take the time to get to your doctors, I'm sure you are fine (especially if it's only in one spot) and you'll feel so much better once you've gone. Hugs to you!

25-11-15, 20:04
So glad you found the courage to go and it was a good result...
I am freaking out as the groin node feels even bigger to me today and aches plus I ran my hand over my tummy and I swear I can feel a similar lump there too... I was on the verge of a panic attack driving my daughter home from swimming this evening and I know there will be no sleep for me tonight at all.. Going to really try to squeeze in a trip to Docs tomorrow or Friday at the latest but so terrified of what they might say. X

26-11-15, 04:23
I know that mind racing feeling. Try not to let beastie over take you and remember that when we're scared our imaginations tend to run wild. I have a couple apps by Andrew Johnson on my iPad and they are very soothing. I recommend downloading one and try listening to it before bed.