View Full Version : House of hypercondriacs

17-11-15, 20:00
So I've just seen the advert for this ! They've made a documentary which I hope is going to show the seriousness of it ! It's hard enough being taken serious as it is and nobody really Undersrands how awful this anxiety disorder is xx

17-11-15, 21:43

Not seen an advert for it yet, although we have had a few threads about it in the past when they were recruiting people for it.

dizzy daisy
18-11-15, 13:23
Well I saw the advertisement for it last night and wasn't too impressed. It mentioned something about 'these people who cost the NHS millions'. Looks like they plan to put them in frontline NHS roles (it showed paramedics and A&E) to see if this could help them. I guess it's based on some kind of exposure therapy but I'm not sure that this would be successful for health anxiety.
I have worked in the NHS for over 10 years and still have health anxiety and I've seen at least one other member on here who does too and is finding being exposed to illness may be increasing the anxiety.
I hope it's well thought out and I hope the people involved do benefit from the programme xxxx

18-11-15, 13:45
Here is the thread I saw talking about it:


You've got to love all the negativity. Apparently patients get to demand tests. So, GP's can't say no? :winks:

At least having HA is an accepted mental health disorder. Not like the party goers who get hammered and get a free NHS taxi up to A&E. :whistles:

18-11-15, 13:57
Just seeing Jessen standing there with a smug grin on his face makes me want to vomit. I thought he would be lying low for a bit after his recent "incident" which got picked up by the media but no, the lure of Channel 4's sensationalising mental illness was all too much for him to resist..

dizzy daisy
18-11-15, 14:59
Yes I don't think I'll be watching as it will only get my back up. As if anyone enjoys feeling this crap. I just think you have to be careful with this sort of exposure therapy because you can make people more anxious. You know what it can be like. You never even heard of that illness that patient has just come in with but when you think about it you have all the symptoms!! Nope, it's certainly not one for me xxxx

19-11-15, 06:56
Well I've had a few people think it's funny to message me saying are you on tb next week like its a big joke :-( x

19-11-15, 07:07
Well, we have a board here where most people seem to say the news, the internet, public awareness campaigns, etc are all triggering for them and part of the problem with the growth of HA so how exactly is being thrown in among it all going to help? It sounds like "flooding" to me, an old exposure technique that just doesn't get used much now as ERP works better.

As pulisa said in the other thread, 2 HA sufferers will be "very carefully" selected to ensure it looks like a miracle :winks: Don't be surprised to hear they have endured the worst levels of anxiety in the history of the human race either...they love over-egging everything.

19-11-15, 07:48
I agree, I removed myself from here when I was at my weakest and part of the reason for that was exposure to illness / conditions I'd never previously heard of or had symptoms of.
My Gp has never even tested my bloods let alone anything else as she believes that she'll feed my anxiety, days like this, I totally agree with her.
Anyhow, got first CBT appointment today (third round), looking forward to it as it had really helped in past. Need to really work on relapse prevention though.

19-11-15, 08:59
Good luck, Tracey! Your GP has the right attitude-all this unnecessary testing is wasteful and counterproductive.

Why do we need this trashy TV programme? Because it's "entertainment" according to C4. Says it all really-how can HA ever be expected to be taken seriously when it's jazzed up for the cameras, candidates are carefully selected and Dr LookatmeI'msogreat" is all over it like a rash (maybe of the "embarrassing"kind let us hope?)

dizzy daisy
19-11-15, 14:51
I agree Pulisa. I think it's not going to be beneficial to people who really suffer with this condition and it will be a case of look at these poor people in hospital who are really sick, aren't you lucky, all fixed!!
If only it were that simple we'd all jump at the chance.

24-11-15, 17:17
I worked in a hospital with dementia patients, I can't say working there made me any worse..... it's certainly didn't make me better!

That Jensen bloke :rolleyes:

24-11-15, 19:49
These type of programs annoy me too just like all the benefits ones . I have the recorder set anyway .

24-11-15, 19:54
Hope they don't have Life Scan adverts during the break? Or that growing lump cancer ad?

24-11-15, 21:22
oh yea that life scan ad .I look away at that .