View Full Version : New here with health anxiety

17-11-15, 20:33
Hello everyone,

I am 24 years old and struggling with health anxiety and panic attacks. Most of the time i feel like something is really wrong with my health and that doctors still didn't find out what's going on. I have never been properly diagnosed with Panic Disorder but i was checking my health in two different countries and in both they mentioned that it is just stress and anxiety.
i believe that my first panic attack was 3 years ago. I was always a very strong person and even though i was going through some personal issues at that time i was keeping my head high and stayed positive. However, once (what surprises me during a very happy day) i had what they call panic attack, when my heart started beating really fast and i thought i was going to pass out. I went to the hospital and was released home since the cardiogram didn't show anything. The doctor was pretty rude and suspected that I took some drugs or something (even though i don't drink alcohol or smoke AT ALL). She then told me that maybe i should check my thyroid but for now she can't help me. After this incident, i didn't have any panic attacks for a while. However sometimes, i would remember that horrible incident when i was rushed to the hospital and wonder whether something might be wrong with me. For the next year, i ve been doing quite well. Then, all of the sudden, i started feeling more and more anxious about my health. I didn't know what was health anxiety or panic attack yet. I would suddenly feel bad and go to the doctor or hospital where they asked me for my symptoms and then would say that it is probably stress related. I never believed the doctors, since in the country where i am currently living, Holland, your general practicioner always talk about stress and never give you a chance to see a specialist. Therefore, i started to worry about my health more and more, google every single symptom and wonder what's wrong. Once my GP told me to go on a psychotherapy. During my first session,i felt like i am going insane and my doctor is just crazy to send me here(i though that at my young age, i am completely ok mentally and probably there is something else going on). I never went there again. I was quite busy with my studies, so i tried to put my focus on studying and doing something i like. I was thinking I am doing better but no... i was still afraid of every ache or pain, always thinking about the worst. It got really bad in the last 6 months. I could hardly concentrate on finishing my studies (gladly, i managed to obtain my diploma). And then, i was free to start a new stage of my life, people asked my what am gonna do next but i couldnt make any plans because i thought something is really wrong with my health. Then, i decided to get checked in another country. They found some minor things that were not previously diagnosed by other doctors, like some vitamine and mineral deficiency (probably because i was trying to eat healthy limiting lots of products i used to eat before), some ''ladies problems", but in general they said i have to look more deeply at what bothers me since all of my other complains can be stress related. I felt like i was in a crossroads... doctors were mentioning stress again... i had to accept that maybe something is really wrong with my MENTAL health. I went to holistic psychotherapist, he gave me some good tips but the sessions were just too expensive and i didn't feel like it was helping me dramatically.

So here I go again, the last few weeks were crazy. I feel like i have more symptoms than ever. Again thinking, which specialists i didnt see yet and maybe I have to check something else to find a problem. I feel so tired emotionally... i feel my heart beat all over my body, i get strange nerve spasms/twitches all over my body, or some stange aches or needle like pains in different parts. It makes me extremely anxious. But i already wasted too much money on the doctors and i guess people around me think that i am just paranoid and crazy....

Sorry for such a long message and excuse my mistakes. I hope to find some soul mates in this forum.:huh:

17-11-15, 20:39
Hiya princessita and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-11-15, 09:29
Hey Princessita,

Even though my personal anxiety problems are different from yours, your story perfectly matches my mothers' personal struggle with anxiety. And the good news is; she overcame her struggle! My mother was convinced that she had some kind of terminal illness and couldnt be convinced otherwise. She also visited numerous specialists, which would then reassure her for a while, but eventually the anxiety would come back. With the help of medication (paroxetine) and cognitive therapy she eventually regained control over her anxiety. No matter how real your fears may feel and how convinced you seem to be about your physical health condition, you have to try and open up to the possibility that it may indeed be all in your head. That doesnt make you 'crazy', its just a mental condition that is quite common and can be treated.

Even though my anxiety is different there are parallels. I obsessively worry about doom scenario's that may occur. People around me all say that its foolish and irrational, but I cannot shake the thought that it will happen and my body responds to that with a 'fight or flight' response. Just like you I have to realize that the problem is probably all in my head and just like you I'm having a really difficult time doing so. But I've beaten this thing before, so I know it's possible with the right help. For me that's medication and therapy. I'm not telling you that's also the solution for you, but I think it's worth considering.

I hope this helps you a little. If you have questions, please let me know. I don't have all the answers, but I'll try my best.

Best of luck!