View Full Version : Posterior cervical lymph node

18-11-15, 03:37
Help!! 10 yr old son just getting over ear infection, horrible cough and cold. I know lymph nodes swell all the time w these things but he has one that's on the side of his neck a few inches under the opposite ear that was infected. Yes I was stupid and googled and now im freaking out its something sinister. UGHHHHHHH!!!!! Anyone have a swollen node in this area that's not sinister?

18-11-15, 10:13
I've had a swollen posterior cervical node for nearly two yrs now. Came up after a bad eat infection, not during it which worried me. I made the mistake of googling it and it came up with worrying answers like "only lymphoma causes these ones to swell up" and things like that and as you can imagine, I got myself worked up. I went to the doctor expecting the worst but he confirmed I actually still had a little infection still and even if it were gone, its not uncommon for them to pop up even after you think its cleared up and that maybe it was there when I was bad with the infection, I just never noticed it. He said as long as its pea sized or smaller, movable (even slightly) and doesn't grow, its nothing to worry about. Nearly 2 years on and I'm still here and so is the node. Its still the same size.

18-11-15, 16:44
I've had a lymph node up in my neck for at least 15 years now. That's just the way it is.

Not saying you should just dismiss anything like this, but it certainly can be normal. It could be that he is still fighting off this infection or another mild one. I heard in kids lymph nodes go up and down all the time as they battle all the illnesses we have been through ourselves.

Keep an eye on it, get a check by the doctor if really concerned but know that these things can happen in a non-sinister way!

18-11-15, 17:56
I have had 3 behind and just underneath my left ear for about 3 years now. I don't know why my swelled up and neither does my doctor. I have had them checked that many times over the years but have been assured they are not sinister. They can swell for really trivial reasons and not go back down.