View Full Version : Hi, I'm new.

18-02-07, 04:16
My name is Robin, I'm 20 and from the East Midlands.

I'm not really sure where to start about the problems I've been having recently, so I'll just list them randomly, not really sure where to post them either, I hope it's ok in here, if not, if someone can point me in the right direction, go ahead.

I have severe Emetophobia (although, that said, I suppose you can't have it mildly) and every time I feel ill, even indigestion, I panic, assuming that I'm going to be sick. (this is the reason for me being awake at 4am on a Sunday)

This has also cause sort of mild Agorophobia, basically, I ALWAYS have to have a drink with me when I go out, so I avoid it as much as possible, if I don't have a drink, I get a dry mouth, feel sick, and panic :rolleyes:

That's resulted in me not being able to work, which is a pain, as I'm now getting into stupid sleep patterns, getting up at silly times in the afternoon :mad: and not being able to sleep til the birds start singing.

I've also been suffering from depression, from not being able to go out, and constantly feeling ill.

I've been to the doctors about 50 times in the last 6 months, and I think they're starting to think I'm putting it on, as I can never describe my symptoms to them (from being ridiculously shy, and not being able to discuss it with strangers), but they have prescribed me lots of different things (Diazepam, which I was advised by the doctor not to take, and that having them in the house would be enough to stop the panic, Propranolol, to lower my blood pressure, which hasn't made me feel any better, and I've since finished the course, and a few antacids)

Since then, I've seen a Hypnotherapist, who has managed to stop me needing a bottle of drink when I go out, and I seem to have more confidence (I've been into town for no real reason this week, just to get out and about) BUT, I still have the attacks at home.

He seems to think it all stems from the death of my Father 4 years ago, from cancer of the eusophagus, as my symptoms are 99% similar to his (I was living at home while he was ill, so I saw everything). This seems reasonable to me, as the thought has crossed my mind (months ago) that I had the same disease, which resulted in lots of blood tests and scans to set my mind at ease.

I didn't mourn at the time, as I was left the only child (of 3) at home with my Mother, and felt like I had to hold it together for her, and help her through it.

I think that is a major part of my suffering, as well as the hurt and knocking of confidence that I took when my girlfriend of 18 months cheated on me on holiday 2.5 years ago, I've not really got over that yet, which was the root of my shyness.

I'm not realy sure if that's relevent to the panic attacks, but I thought I'd be open about it just incase.

Sorry for the long first post, I seem to have got carried away, but it was good to get it off my chest, as I struggle to talk about it to 'real' people, if that makes sense.

I hope this site helps me, I've had a look around, and it's good to know that I'm not alone.


18-02-07, 04:42
Hi Robin,

A big warm welcome to you.

18-02-07, 06:49
elo Robin.
welcome to the site great support and advice here...glad to have ya on board x

18-02-07, 11:06

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

18-02-07, 11:29
Hi Robin,

Unresolved grief can have a devastating effect. I have a similar story to yours and I simply cannot believe the physical and emotional effects I have felt in recent months.

Take Care,

18-02-07, 12:59
Hi Robin,

Welcome on board! You'll find lots of support here and we look forward to hearing more from you.


18-02-07, 13:49
A really big welcome to our new site Robin.:)

It's totally understandable how your fears have arisen and I'm sure with continued support you will be able to work through them hun.

Piglet x

18-02-07, 17:41
Hi Robin

welcome to the site.
My probelems were very much like yours involving a number of issues that were never resolved but it will get better, just give it time and be patient.

Linda xx

18-02-07, 19:22
Hi Welcome To The Site. I Think You Will Really Get Alot Of Help Here. I Know I Did.
Love Debera

20-02-07, 18:22
Hi Robin

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely caring people and gets loads of support and advice.

22-02-07, 03:18
Thanks for the welcome guys.

I've not been on for a few days, had a good few days up to today.

Once again I'm unable to sleep, I've been reading through the site, and I seem to have ALL the symptoms mentioned in Problems/Issues :rolleyes: (or at least I can make myself think 'oh yeah, that sounds like what I have'.

At the moment, I'm troubled by burpiness (from drinking lots of water, due to a dry mouth), which, in turn, is stopping me from resting, the problem is, I seem to be involuntarily drinking, and if I don't drink, I start to think that I'll be sick (which is bad).

Yesterday I didn't sleep 'til around 5am, then didn't wake until 3pm and was still immensely tired :( I know I need to get into a decent routine, but I can't seem to do it, if I go to bed, I'm wide awake, and I think about all the little (normal, day to day) pains that I can feel, and then BAM, panic attack.

Because of this, I'm eating at irregular times, and my diet is poor, I definitely need more fruit/veg, but I don't feel like eating brocolli for my 'breakfast' :lol:. All I seem to be eating at the moment is toast, rice, pasta, tuna and cold meat (not all at once though, obviously), with the occasional fish and chips or something, once a week, which really cannot be healthy.

Anyway, I'll stop waffling now and try to get some sleep.

I'm pretty sure I should be posting this somewhere else now, but don't know where... Can someone point me in roughly the right direction please?


22-02-07, 05:53
Hi Robin,

I am brand spanking new and I happened to come upon this site by randomly googling panic disorders. I have the same type of symptoms as you. I always think something is wrong with me. Most of my serious symptoms started happening just recently in August. I had my first major panic attack while at a movie theatre with my fiancee. I felt lightheaded, nauseas (sp), and like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I had to exit the theatre. It was very frightening. Now, it's my first year teaching and I'm having a heck of a time dealing with all the stress. I have been to the ER twice because of my symptoms. I have two children and I'm tired of feeling useless. My symptoms are taking over my life and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of doctor visits as well. I want my life back and that is why I am here with hopes that I can figure out how to gain control once again.

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone.


22-02-07, 13:49
Hi Robin,

Welcome to the site, you'll get great advice here.

Take care

shirley xx

22-02-07, 14:00
Hi Robin...

Welcome to the site,

Sarah x