View Full Version : Male hair loss

18-11-15, 18:14
Since I started panicking with anxiety (about 4-5 months) I've been losing more hair than normal like quite abit more, I see it on the towel and I can pull a hair out of my head a lot easier.

have any males experienced this? Really don't want to go bald at 21.


18-11-15, 19:29
I started losing my hair in my early 20's but it was genetic. Unless it's genetic, it's probably just due to stress and when you deal with that, your hair will come back in. Otherwise, like me, you'll eventually embrace it. I fought it for years but never went so far as a Trump (comb over). After my divorce I sported a "Mr. Clean" look and tbh, doing so was the best thing I ever did for my social life before my 2nd marriage. You'd be surprised how many women really dig bald ;)

Positive thoughts

18-11-15, 19:52
Cheers man I appreciate it. My dads bald and always says "it'll be your turn soon" lol. I'm not sure how I would look bald but I'm determined to keep my hair for a few more years :P he lost it when he was around 30-32

18-11-15, 20:16
Cheers man I appreciate it. My dads bald and always says "it'll be your turn soon" lol. I'm not sure how I would look bald but I'm determined to keep my hair for a few more years :P he lost it when he was around 30-32

Yeah well... could be that it's in the genes. Through my late 20's and early 30's I rebelled and grew it long and had a pony tail. Then one day I was watching the Simpsons and saw Comic Book Man and said "Hell No!" I wasn't gonna end up looking like that!


So I got in shape and wore my hair shaved close, eventually going to the clean shaven look.

Eh... there's far worse things in life and if anyone says anything, you tell them it's just more face to kiss ~lol~

Positive thoughts

18-11-15, 21:25
LOL hilarious, seriously though I think I could rock a pony tail. It would be a big surprise If I showed up to my girlfriend with a shaven head but she says she wouldn't be bothered if I did it anyway haha.

Some people say it grows back after around 6 months or like you say until you have got a grip on panic as stuff.
