View Full Version : lump in cheek

18-11-15, 19:50
Hello I have a movable lump in my cheek about pea size I guess not sure how long I have had it but I noticed it about 6 weeks ago and its still the same. Saw a doc he gave me antibiotics and said come back in 7 days but I was back in 4 and saw an emergency doc who basically said its probably nothing to worry about and go see a dentist and dont come back unless it gets much bigger.
Saw a dentist who said he thought a blocked saliva gland and eat lots of lemons but they did nothing so went back. He wanted to xray but his machine is broke so wants me to go back in 4 weeks when hopefully it will be fixed :(

It doesn't hurt but is worrying me and I wont be happy until some one tests it and actually tells me what it is instead of just guessing all the time

19-11-15, 08:54

I have the same thing and it's been a real source of worry and anxiety for me too. I went to my dentist and she also said she thought blocked salivary gland and referred me to the hospital to see a consultant, he felt it and said he wasn't concerned at all but because i was worried he would book me in for a scan.

Scan was done and done by another consultant who said it was barely visible and certainly nothing to worry about, on my follow up with the other consultant he said the same and discharged me.

It's still there to this day, and after having a feel around on the other side of my face i think i can feel something similar that side too, although the one of my left is much bigger.

Since then i have had dental work done and xrays taken and nothing has been said about it, i know its easier said than done but try not to get to worked up.

If you look back over my posting history you will probably be able to see where i got myself into a real state over it, but also people who seem to have the same thing :)

19-11-15, 19:01
Thank you very much for the reply and more important glad you are ok. I had a mate who had a small lump on his neck and with in six months he was gone. By the time the docs dragged there feet diagnosing him it was too late. His was a completely different situation mind but it wasn't nice too see. They make a big thing about cancer being spotted early yet when you go to the doctors unless you have a lump like a base ball they don't seem interested in checking things out. Thank you again for your reply much appreciated and I will check your posts.
Most the time I can forget it then I have days it stresses me out lol

03-12-15, 19:59
mmm today I have noticed a possible second lump on the same cheek. I rang the dentist this morning and they are still waiting for there xray machine to be repaired and want me to ring back on Monday but I suspect it still wont be fixed. Tempted to go to the docs
Mind you it could just be a spot lol. Be so glad to find out what the hell this lump is for certain. Driving me nuts

03-12-15, 20:50
I got one of these if you see my 1st post, i am suffering major anxiety, luckily I got a dentist appointment, to see if I got a problem with gums etc!!!

but doctor was not worried but he does not know what it could be.

hope it all works out for you both.

03-12-15, 21:07
I have had one of these for a couple of months now, it did swell up and got antibiotics from the doctor that bought it down ( he reckoned it was a blocked salivary gland as well, which is quite common ). It did still leave a lump after I had finished the ab's but it seems to be shrinking over the weeks

03-12-15, 21:48
This has been going on few months now. Doc gave me antibiotics didn't do any thing the dentist told me to suck on a lemon for a few weeks nothing so then he didn't know. Hopefully an xray when they eventually get it done will reveal whats going on.
My jaw was burning and itchy for a while that seems to have passed

04-12-15, 09:41
I think sometimes the gland can just get blocked and it leaves scar tissue as a lump inside the cheek. If it isn't growing then it isn't anything to worry about, just a bit annoying

10-06-18, 10:54
I know this post is really old and I just wanted to comment on it to put anyone else with this problem at ease
I have not been diagnosed by a doctor per say. I had an evaluation and got suggestions, but I have these lumps on both sides of my jaw line and have for as long as I can remember
They swell up if I have teeth problems, if I get canker sores, a cold sore or if I get a throat related illness. When it is gone, they go back to normal. I don't know why they aren't more commonly placed on lymph node charts, maybe some people have them and some don't... Maybe they go along with the ones under your jaw line and while in the womb were moved to the cheek bone. I don't know ow but I definitely 100% fully believe they are lymphnodes. I found mine when I was a young teenager and thought I had cancer. I can ALWAYS feel them, even when I'm not sick, they are just tiny knots, no pain, no swelling, not tender. Given the fact they only swell when there is an underlying cause brought on from something going on on that certain side or localized on that area of my mouth, there is no way they aren't just lymph nodes I think we can feel them all the time because of the location. There's not much fat along the jaw bone and skin. I don't think any one should worry
However, if you have lumps that cause you pain and no underlying condition in your mouth or neck, or these lumps do not go away or shrink back down to normal size, you should be checked by a doctor. Even if you have a millimeter of a doubt. Again, not a doctor
I have researched and researched trying to find information or a chart showing a lymph node along the jaw line and NOT UNDER the jaw line and I found absolutely nothing, but it can't be anything else. Right now I have a canker sores in back of my mouth, where my bottom right wisdom tooth used to be
Extremely painful to eat and brought on by something I ate scrapping or poking my gum and causing irritation and now this lump in my cheek is big and swollen
I can reach inside my mouth and feel it inside and outside. It moves around freely. It's not attached to the inside of my mouth or anything, really. But it is directly by this canker sores. I'm guessing it is the closest lymph node to the location of my sore
I have literally wondered about them my entire life, spent countless hours convincing myself that I had cancer. I just don't want that to happen to anyone else because I fully believe this is just another lymph node not getting the recognition it deserves or perhaps not every one has the same lymphnodes or locations, perhaps some people have more lymphnodes than others. I know that I personally rarely ever get sick. EVER. so please research lymphnodes and see if what you read matches up with the problem you are having because I know mine fits the bill. But always see a doctor if you aren't sure. It's better to me safe than sorry and what might be a swollen node in one person cause be cancer or an assess in another. stay calm and be educated
God bless.