View Full Version : Help! Dr ordered EEG MRI

18-11-15, 19:55
I have been experiencing visual problems for the past 3 months and finally got in to see my neurologist. I was hoping I would leave the appointment with answers but now I'm only left with more questions. He ordered an EEG and MRI and prescribed me Topamax. I don't want to take the medication due to all the serious side effects and because they're not even sure if my symptoms are related to migraine or seizure activity. Can anyone give me some insight? My visual problems include floaters, bright pinpricks of light that jump into my vision, seeing ghosted outlines in my peripheral vision, bright spots in dim lighting that come from nowhere. I'm at my wits end and severely depressed because of all of this. Someone please please help me! I already had a CT scan (normal) and saw my optometrist. Should I consult an ophthalmologist instead?

18-11-15, 20:08
I believe you should go through with the tests and take the meds. You pushed to get the opinion and assistance of a medical professional and now you have it. Obviously he's in diagnostic mode and has prescribed something to address your symptoms. Keep in mind that some medications have therapeutic benefits outside of their original intention. I took Gabapentin which is an anti-seizure medication for nerve pain issues due to neuropathy caused by chemo treatments and it was very effective. Allow him to rule out anything suspicious.

Positive thoughts

18-11-15, 20:30
Yea I know, I'm just scared after reading all the side effects... And I'm scared that there might be something really wrong. This whole time I was praying it was just anxiety but I guess the docs don't seem to think so!

18-11-15, 20:53
Yea I know, I'm just scared after reading all the side effects... And I'm scared that there might be something really wrong. This whole time I was praying it was just anxiety but I guess the docs don't seem to think so!

It may very well turn out to be just anxiety but he's doing his job. Better than fobbing you off right?

Positive thoughts

22-11-15, 02:46
Not sure why hes prescribing meds before you have the tests unless you are in pain

22-11-15, 21:58
I fainted a few months ago and while I was out I jerked a few times apparently. When I came to I had a clear recollection of the event and I even managed to make it to a chair because I felt faint. I had no loss of bowel or urine so upon going to the emergency room they determined it was syncope and not a seizure. This has never happened before or since. But now apparently the doctors are questioning whether it was a seizure or not.

22-11-15, 22:10
Interesting. When do you notice the visual disturbances? Recently I've also had artifacts (floaters, like little white circles) in my vision but this mainly happens when I look at the blue sky. This was terrifying when I first noticed it as I was just starting to have forehead pressure at the time as well. Its now been five weeks and I still have the same pressure in the front of my head, and this is on top of unequal pupils (at random; one day its one pupil and the next its another). Luckily, the GP gave me a quick neurological exam which came back positive and the eye surgeon did an examination on my eye and found nothing. Still I'm just as panicked as you, but you seem to be having a greater array of symptoms then me.

Praying for you.

22-11-15, 22:42
Yea unfortunately my visual problems have been extremely prevalent and seemingly ever changing. I get the white floater things too, at least I hope they are floaters. The sometimes look more like little blotches that sort of appear out of nowhere and then slowly fade. I see them the most under flourescent lighting and on white walls. Being as I work and go to school in these settings I see them quite frequently. Ill catch them out of the corner of my eye and when I go to look at them, theyre gone. Additionally, I see several other types of spots. The most annoying being ones that look like I caught a glare off of something bright. However this happens when there is absolutely nothing bright enough around me that could have caused the afterimage/spot/thing). What are yours like? My insurance is changing so I have to postpone the MRI/EEG, I also want to see an opthamologist. I already saw an optometrist but even she seemed stumped. Im so afraid I wont see Christmas if these symptoms prevail. Thanks for the support.

23-11-15, 00:13
Topomax is an anti-seizure medication and it is also used for mental health reasons, to treat different symptoms of anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, etc. What dose are you on?

24-11-15, 01:44
They prescribed 25mgx2 daily. I haven't started it yet im going to wait for the eeg/mri and go from there.

24-11-15, 02:21
Mine are barely visable little white (tiny circles - a lot of them too sometimes but only if I really pay attention) which I can see when its bright outside and usually under a blue background. Someone correct me if you can but since they move as well these are blood cells? Right? At least that's what I surmised. Again I had a clear bill of health from the eye doctor andbasic neuro came back clear from GP. Still worried about persistent pressure in head though for myself. Got worse tonight at martial arts when I was bending over which was startling. Somehow we just have to push through, I have your same fears but nothing scares me more then losing my neurological functions to something like a brain tumor; so I feel you. I'm also as I said before concerned about uneven pupils (sometimes left sometimes right)

24-11-15, 04:24
I think what your describing xeno is visual snow or blue entopic field phenomenon (I might've spelled that wrong). I see that too when looking at white walls under bright light, or when looking at the sky. But I've had that since I was a kid. Your right, we have to push through. The past couple days have actually been pretty ok for me, until tonight when the spots flared up again and I again became discouraged :(

24-11-15, 04:33
Your right. I was actually perfectly fine 5 weeks ago and now I'm a mess. Had a better day but by the end of it when I bend over it spiked the feeling of pressure in the upper left part of my head. Very worrying. But once your in the hole its just so much harder to climb back out. I've been told I just need to have faith and move on but the symptoms like yours seem real and logic says figure it out. That just makes things worse though.

24-11-15, 13:34
Yea it's so hard. I feel like my family and friends think I'm making all of this up. They don't understand how terrifying it is to experience all of these strange, unexplained symptoms. Even if they're not caused by something "real" my anxiety makes them real. If that makes any sense...