View Full Version : Panic Breathing

18-02-07, 08:46
Hi there - lovely new website - well done !!
Ive been hyperventilating most of my life - I do a relaxation cd every day and can relax when I do that but I still upper chest breathe and panic when I have to focus on my breath it makes it worse. I have tried distracting my thoughts but it is really distressing me this panic breathing. Any tips anyone?
Love wenjoy x

18-02-07, 13:00
Hi Wenjoy

I have the same problem. Sometimes it goes on for days other times its not there. Think when i am busy i'me not focusing on it so much although sometimes that doesn't even help. Sorry i haven't got any advice to help you coz i need some myself!! Just wanted to say i know how you feel.
Take care

18-02-07, 13:26
Hi Rosebud - thanks - its great to know there are others like me- its so frustrating!!! GOod luck and will keep checking the website! Love wenjoy x

18-02-07, 13:38
Yep I'm in the same boat with this, if I sharply breathe in and think about it when having an attack or any time of day I feel breathless and it makes my symptoms worse and my fingers and hands tingle