View Full Version : Not doing great...

18-11-15, 23:29
So this is still about my Coccyx pain which hasn't eased up whatsoever. In fact it feels more painful today. I'm trying SO HARD not to be anxious about this but when something not only doesn't improve at all despite doing everything I can to promote it getting better, but actually worsens, it's not encouraging.

Combine that with everything I've read about this type of pain... I can feel myself slipping into anxiety.

19-11-15, 01:33
Did you end up going for the 2nd opinion from another chiropractor?

19-11-15, 08:42
"Everything you've read" is dynamite for HA.

19-11-15, 09:59
Hi Kaye

Pulisa is right. Reading up and doing research on medical conditions is not a good idea for folks like us. Please speak to your doctor about this - rely on his or her years of experience and not your own research. The former is going to be far more reliable.

I remember not so long ago you were very concerned about pain under your left Rib (as I was for a while). Is that gone? If so, what was the value in worrying about that? Do you think you might be doing the same thing about what could very well be yet another anxiety/stress related issue?

Hope it gets better soon.



F.ck Google

19-11-15, 10:15
I did go to a second chiropractor who actually echoed what the first one said.

He said it's possible you aggravated/bruised the bone from extended sitting, and said yes, some of the symptoms are consistent with a spinal tumour however it's unlikely because of my age etc etc... but the only way to be absolutely sure (aside from it eventually getting better on it's own) would be to get an MRI done.

I woke up this morning to it hurting quite badly and am currently in pain with it now. There seems to be zero improvement whatsoever despite me doing everything I can to try and get it to get better.

56 - Pretty much everything in the past that I've been worried about (even things that persisted for months) have all gone in the end and I'm trying to remind myself of this.... to be honest that thought is the only thing stopping me from going into full blown panic mode again. I'm trying really hard to stay rational and tell myself that I've been just as worried, if not more so, about things that have lasted much longer before.... they all went away... so this will to. I hope anyway.

---------- Post added at 10:15 ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 ----------

Just typing that out has really made me feel annoyed and angry that I'm back in this position again.

I am going to try and get though today as normally as possible. I haven't been to the gym all week which has made me feel crap, so I am going to go later and pump some damn iron :mad:

19-11-15, 10:22
Good on you. Exercise is a great help.

Don't get my post wrong. I know it isn't easy and I wish I could follow my own advice!



19-11-15, 11:27
We can all give good advice to other people but it's a different matter when we try to help ourselves..I really hope that the pain settles down for you soon, I appreciate how angry and frustrated HA can make you

19-11-15, 11:36
No matter how many times it happens, I just can never seem to accept that things can take a while to go away.

If I'm honest I still don't quite understand this pain. It almost makes no sense (except for the horrible explanations)...

19-11-15, 13:41
KayeS, I know how much HA sucks, I've had it for a long time. All I can suggest is recognize that for now, you have done everything you can do and are following MULTIPLE doctors orders. All agree that it is most likely not a tumor. So do what you are doing - go about your life, live your life again. Go back to working out, as it actually might help. It definitely helps with anxiety and depression. You may find that as you get back into the swing of things and aren't hyperfocused on the pain, things may ease up with time.

Look at it this way - there's nothing more the doctors will do for you at the current moment. Give the muscles and bone a chance to heal. If -god forbid (highly doubt this will happen)- you ended up with a tumor, wouldn't you have rather spent this time enjoying things? As worrying isn't going to change the doctors recommendations.

Hope that helps.

19-11-15, 17:55
Went to the gym... Had a good workout... still felt that pain... Gonna get back to re-watching The X-Files and forget it all tonight.

19-11-15, 18:44
When I was going through treatment, I lost a ton of weight. A result of that was a loss of "padding" on my posterior. Take that and the fact I was sitting most of the time and my coccyx and tush hurt like the dickens. I had to go buy one of those special cushions with the hole cut out to even sit! Many years before that a fall on the ice bruised the heck out of it. It hurt for months.

It's a sensitive area that barely gets any relief just due to the way we move, sit and live our lives so it's going to be a while before it completely heals and goes away.

Glad you had a good workout. Keep on doing things to distract yourself and as difficult as it it, be p.a.t.i.e.n.t.

Positive thoughts

19-11-15, 19:33
When I was going through treatment, I lost a ton of weight. A result of that was a loss of "padding" on my posterior. Take that and the fact I was sitting most of the time and my coccyx and tush hurt like the dickens. I had to go buy one of those special cushions with the hole cut out to even sit! Many years before that a fall on the ice bruised the heck out of it. It hurt for months.

It's a sensitive area that barely gets any relief just due to the way we move, sit and live our lives so it's going to be a while before it completely heals and goes away.

Glad you had a good workout. Keep on doing things to distract yourself and as difficult as it it, be p.a.t.i.e.n.t.

Positive thoughts

I'm definitely more on the thought process that I've bruised it or hurt it somehow through sitting awkwardly and for long periods (which over the last few months I have) and funnily enough, regarding what you were saying about losing 'padding', prior to this happening, when I had all the anxiety about my bowels, I stopped gym training for months and wasn't eating well so I lost quite a bit of muscle (I'm usually pretty well built due to weight training), so I was even thinking that the reason this never happened before was because of the fact that I had more muscle there due to my damn heavy squats (lol), which I didn't have as much lately.... To be honest I'm reaching for any other explanations than the one I'm worried about. Like I said, the reason this concerns me is because it doesn't actually feel bruised. It's not painful to the touch. But it's painful. If that makes any sense at all.

19-11-15, 19:44
Have you considered coccydynia? I'm sure you will have already looked at this but just in case you haven't (and I didn't google your symptoms:D)

19-11-15, 21:16
Have you considered coccydynia? I'm sure you will have already looked at this but just in case you haven't (and I didn't google your symptoms:D)

I haven't but I'm actually scared to even look it up just incase somewhere there is the usual "in rare cases...."

19-11-15, 21:20
I haven't but I'm actually scared to even look it up just incase somewhere there is the usual "in rare cases...."

It's just an ailment that has to do with sitting too much or too hard that causes butt pain ;)

Positive thoughts

19-11-15, 21:33
It's just an ailment that has to do with sitting too much or too hard that causes butt pain ;)

Positive thoughts

I read the first line on Google and it said "this is a fairly uncommon thing and little is understood as to what causes it...."

I read a similar thing last week that went onto say "... one possible cause is a spinal tumour..." Lol.

19-11-15, 21:56
No use in speculating as all it does is feed your anxiety. Like I said... just give it time. It's just a PITA... literally.

Positive thoughts

19-11-15, 22:12
No use in speculating as all it does is feed your anxiety. Like I said... just give it time. It's just a PITA... literally.

Positive thoughts

I'm not doing terribly right now... just keeping my mind off it... and 'it' off of any hard surfaces lol.

I really hope it shows improvement soon. That's all I need to put my mind at rest. Not even for it to go completely, but just improve a BIT!

20-11-15, 08:55
Coccydynia is a perfectly benign routine condition that can be annoyingly painful. All it entails is coccyx pain-nothing more sinister...but I know you won't believe that:winks: