View Full Version : Lymphoma Worry

19-11-15, 12:18
Hi There,

About a month ago I had a couple of really bad cold/flus in quick succession.I have been experiencing back pain and occasional stomach pain for around a month and a half. During one of these colds i noticed that my lymph nodes on either side of me neck were pretty swollen, which i regarded as normal and thought nothing more of it. A couple of weeks later I was in a lecture and decided to feel my nodes to see if they had gone down. This was when i discovered that it felt like on the right side of my neck that two nodes were joined together. They were soft and very movable but i absolutely freaked out.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and i haven't been much better. I booked an emergency appointment with my GP to examine them. She examined me and was very reassuring and told me that she didn't feel anything untoward and that they were small and not worrying her at all. She told me to just make another appointment to check on them in two weeks.
This reassured me for a while, but now I'm scared again. My back pain was terrible last week, but became much better this week. Although today as I'm very anxious i notice it a lot more. Its sort of in my lower left back and feels a bit burny.
I am extremely anxious and feel nauseous sometimes. I have had health anxiety worries for over a year now. I constantly think about death. I see cancer everywhere in tv and in real life. I am 21 years old and I'm convinced this is my last Christmas. Every morning i wake up and look at my girlfriend while she sleeps because i want to cherish every moment with her before I die.
I feel so alone.
Any help is much appreciated

19-11-15, 14:02

Oddly enough I have had the same thing, I am still suffering for cold's/flu's and it has been about 6 weeks of this. I also have swollen Lymph Nodes in my neck 4 on one said and 1 on the other side, I also have the node that feels like two joined together. I have had it checked by 2 medical professionals and both said it feels fine, I have been messing with my Lymph Nodes since I noticed them and they haven't got any bigger or smaller as far as I can tell. I have quite a nasty cough at the moment and think that and the poking has made them stay they way they are.

I wouldn't be too worried if I were you, cold's/flu's are a reason from Lymph Nodes to swell and if yours are anything like mine they are still pretty small and move around if you press on them. Leave them alone for a while they may stay at there current size that's not a problem it's a sign of your body fighting infection and as you have said you have had a lot of cold's/flu's so your body has had a lot to do plus the checking which I know you have done otherwise you wouldn't be able to explain how they feel. Leave them alone and get on with your life your a year younger than me don't end up like me worrying about your Lymph Nodes all the time there really isn't a point in it.

As for you thinking that this will be your last christmas, you need to shake that fear you seem to be happy you have your girlfriend go and have fun with her don't let HA control you.
