View Full Version : Night sweat worries :(

19-11-15, 13:24
Since I have been on Sertraline (12 months ago I started on it) I have been having night sweats on and off. I will wake up with a very sweaty chest, back of head/neck and groin! It is so bad I have to change my nightclothes, sometimes twice in one night. Sometimes it goes away for weeks then comes back. It gets worse if I am ill or am having a vivid dream. Sometimes I don’t get it at all.

Anyway, after a few months of having very little health anxiety I am now panicking again. I have a bit of a virus/sore throat and for the past week I have been sweating heavily every night and often in the daytime too. I know many people have sweating as a side effect from Sertraline, but it concerns me and I also have shotty/lumpy lymph nodes!

I had a lump on the right side of my neck, had it checked out and nurse said it’s a vein. I now have three small, moveable lumps on the left side of my neck low down toward my collar bone. They came up quite quickly around the same time I got my virus, but of course now I am freaking out over it cause of the night sweats I am worrying over lymphoma!!

I want to see the Dr for advice about the night sweats as they are so annoying and really get me down. I get married next year and I don’t want to be getting these night sweats on our honeymoon (passion killer or what!) However I am scared to see the Dr because I am worried they will be concerned over Lymphoma and will want to do blood tests and scans. If this happens I will literally go to pieces and convince myself I am going to die :(

I have had CBT and I am now having psychodynamic therapy and I am on 150mg Setraline. My HA was getting loads better but I can feel myself going under again.

Can anyone offer any advice?


Snowflake xxx

19-11-15, 23:10
If it makes you feel any better, I was told that a real night sweat isn't just waking sweaty in a few areas, it's waking drenched like you have been in the shower. My brother gets them and he soaks through the quilt and sheet and on to the mattress so that he has to get up and put a towel down etc.
He's perfectly healthy by the way, just gets it either randomly or when fighting a virus or bacteria.
In the past, I've had it (besides when I have a virus) if I sleep next to a cold solid wall or if my bed covers are polyester and not 100% cotton x

20-11-15, 02:40
I have been on antidepressants for years and I have had night sweats for years. I'm still perfectly healthy (despite my own doubts :unsure:) It can be a side effect of the medication. That's all.

20-11-15, 04:32
I've just started having terrible night sweats, I wake literally drenched along with the bed sheets, my gp has run all my blood work and I've had a chest Xray and apart from being anaemic everything else is totally normal so I'm putting it down to my AD's too altho I've been on them 3 years so don't know why it's just started happening? It really gets you down tho doesn't it? I've tried alsorts to help, I brought a lightweight quilt, different nightwear but it's still happening, I'm replying to this message at 4.30am as I woke drenched and can't get back in bed as it needs the sheets changing and my husband is asleep on his side so looks like the sofa for me for a couple of hours :( sorry I can't be more help just wanted you to know that I've had all tests and nothing sinister has been found so hope that reassures you XX

22-11-15, 08:58
Thanks so much for the replies :) made me feel better knowing I am not alone. Ironically, I have stopped having them now (for the time being at least, I imagine they will return at some point, they always do!)

I am still worried about my swollen lymph nodes/neck lumps. I have had a virus type thing for a week or so now and I can't help but worry about having cancer. My HA is definitely better than it was though, I am looking back at some of my older posts and I can't believe I was in such a dark place :( Recovery definitely is possible!

The sweating thing is just the worst! Especially in winter cause you wake up freezing when the heatings gone off and the cold sweat on your body feels just horrible! My fiancé gets these sweats on occasion too (he also suffers with anxiety and is on SSRIs)

I wish I could stop worrying that I have cancer :( I keep thinking I won't last 'til my wedding next year! I also feel guilty cause I should be enjoying and living my life, not worrying like this.