View Full Version : Is there a link between anxiety and digestive problems

19-11-15, 21:14
I wanted to start this new thread because I had a recent thread about ovarian cancer but now I want to see this from a different point of view. Where anxiety is the culprit not cancer. So..

Ever since my bad flare up with health anxiety, which was about 2 months ago, I now worry about things daily, freak over any sensation or ache/pain in my body and stress out. I've noticed that now I pass has frequently more than I ever noticed before. It's often like a wind passing not so much a full on fart (Not to be crude). Also my stomach makes more noises like when I eat or drink and after. For the most part normal bowel movements.. Maybe occasional constipation but not really. Occasional abdominal pains.. They are quick and not painful.. I'd say mind twinges & they go away as fast as they come. Is my new on going anxiety flare up causing this?

Also can it affect urination? Been peeing more.. Or it feels like it and also sometimes after I go I'll have the feeling to want to go again. I can hold it and wait and not painful but it's annoying. Also don't notice this problem when I'm busy and doing something. Mostly when I'm laying around or thinking about it too much.

And finally, I've read digestive problems can sometimes cause hair problems. Like dandruff. I've been having an itchy scalp and noticing more shedding as well. I feel like it may be thinning too.. (Did have a bad dye job from the hair stylist about 2 months ago which caused my very light blonde hair to have breakage and damage. My hair is dyed dark underneath though and this is where I find the thinning... Like the neck area. It's also itchy and my scalp can be red sometimes.

Is this all connected to my ongoing worrying, stress and anxiety?

Would love input and advice to see if this can all be connected.
Anyone experience some these things with anxiety

19-11-15, 21:19
Anxiety and digestive issues go hand in hand. There's even a sub-forum here on IBS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=94).

Check out the Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) link. There's a lot of info on how anxiety affects your body.

Positive thoughts

19-11-15, 21:43
glad you told me, I was having trouble finding that actually, thankyou I'll check that out! This site can be overwhelming for a newcomer :doh:

dizzy daisy
19-11-15, 21:59
Yes I pee lots when I'm anxious and my tummy is always off with the tension. I find it hard to eat when things are bad too. You're not alone, these are common symptoms xxx

19-11-15, 22:12
Good to know I'm not the only one ! Thanks for your reply.. Does this usually last days or longer for you as well? I feel like this has gone on for a month now, some days better than others. :wacko:

20-11-15, 09:27
apart from the hair comment i could have written this post, although my bowels are looser than normal. i feel like when im anxious im so aware of every sensation my body does and then you tend to over think them.

it so hard isnt, i know when im doing busy doing something i tend not to notice but as soon as im sitting down my brain starts thinking about it again.
i sit there and my brain is like "do i have a tummy ache?" "does my back ache?" " does this hurt or that hurt" omg it drives you mad at time because i feel like the symptoms arent going to go away while im still constantly thinking about them !!


20-11-15, 10:17
when i'm anxious, really anxious, i find it impossible even to think about food (just makes me feel sick)

and then their's the hungry.. and need to eat, but can't stomach anything because of the anxiety feeling

sucks just as much

20-11-15, 10:21
May I suggest you read the best selling book Medical Medium by Anthony William which covers a whole spectrum of illnesses and anxiety and a major dietary change definitely helps more than any pill.There are foods one should eat and others not.

21-01-16, 03:31
Well, guess what, I was diagnose with IBS, and anxiety really triggers digestive discomfort. My first problem when I started to be a crazy health-anxious-google-symptoms-checker was IBS. But I would rather have IBS than terminal diseases. I just regret that I have consulted Google, but past is past.

21-01-16, 04:01
Well, guess what, I was diagnose with IBS, and anxiety really triggers digestive discomfort. My first problem when I started to be a crazy health-anxious-google-symptoms-checker was IBS. But I would rather have IBS than terminal diseases. I just regret that I have consulted Google, but past is past.

Same here. Google plants things in your head and you never forget. Google is the worst thing to use when your anxious because with anxiety you look for the worst and Google always hAs the bad things. I of course ignore All the common things it could be and just focus on the worst. Totally sucks.

21-01-16, 04:28
Same here. Google plants things in your head and you never forget. Google is the worst thing to use when your anxious because with anxiety you look for the worst and Google always hAs the bad things. I of course ignore All the common things it could be and just focus on the worst. Totally sucks.

Exactly, and at the moment I am here again Googling about Jaw pain, my left jaw just below my left ear is in pain, paired with a dull headache. I need to stop this habit. :’(

21-01-16, 04:35
Exactly, and at the moment I am here again Googling about Jaw pain, my left jaw just below my left ear is in pain, paired with a dull headache. I need to stop this habit. :’(

Are you clenching or grinding your teeth? If you don't know, do you wake up to it being worse? I was grinding my teeth in my sleep so when I woke I would have more pain.

---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------


Have you seen these threads too:


Some people set up longer running threads to talk about anxiety symptoms so they may prove useful to you.

21-01-16, 05:10
Are you clenching or grinding your teeth? If you don't know, do you wake up to it being worse? I was grinding my teeth in my sleep so when I woke I would have more pain.

---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------


Have you seen these threads too:


Some people set up longer running threads to talk about anxiety symptoms so they may prove useful to you.

Terry, I appreciate the links! I really am finding use with the last one. Thank you very much :yesyes:

21-01-16, 05:44
That's good. I think these threads are very useful, maybe a sticky is needed to reference to them? The articles on NMP show a lot of symptoms but it can be useful to see what people are really feeling and they will explain it often in a way that you can understand more easily.

I think those threads were a good idea by those people.

21-01-16, 06:02
Are you clenching or grinding your teeth? If you don't know, do you wake up to it being worse? I was grinding my teeth in my sleep so when I woke I would have more pain.

---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------


Have you seen these threads too:


Some people set up longer running threads to talk about anxiety symptoms so they may prove useful to you.

Uhmm I really don’t notice if I clench or grind my teeth when sleeping since I‘m not aware of the things my body do when I’m asleep but I have two things to consider:
1.) I am mostly sleeping in a position where my left face lays flat on my pillow, so in other words I sleep or lay on my left.
2.) When I’m about to sleep(I don’t know what sleep phase this is called) I would observe that I shut my mouth too tight, almost like clenching, but as soon as I will notice I would relax my mouth and then I’m in my deep sleep after a couple of minutes, I don't know if I am doing it again when I’m in an actual deep sleep phase or do they call it REM?
So, is this due to that two reasons? Or are there any sinister going on in my head/jaw? The left jaw pain is radiating through my left ears and kind of having a mild headache or heavy head sensation too, and my molar teeth on my left too. If I rate the pain it would be 4/10 when my mouth is close, but when I try to open my mouth wide or open my mouth when eating it would be 8/10.

21-01-16, 07:26
Uhmm I really don’t notice if I clench or grind my teeth when sleeping since I‘m not aware of the things my body do when I’m asleep but I have two things to consider:
1.) I am mostly sleeping in a position where my left face lays flat on my pillow, so in other words I sleep or lay on my left.
2.) When I’m about to sleep(I don’t know what sleep phase this is called) I would observe that I shut my mouth too tight, almost like clenching, but as soon as I will notice I would relax my mouth and then I’m in my deep sleep after a couple of minutes, I don't know if I am doing it again when I’m in an actual deep sleep phase or do they call it REM?
So, is this due to that two reasons? Or are there any sinister going on in my head/jaw? The left jaw pain is radiating through my left ears and kind of having a mild headache or heavy head sensation too, and my molar teeth on my left too. If I rate the pain it would be 4/10 when my mouth is close, but when I try to open my mouth wide or open my mouth when eating it would be 8/10.

I had no idea I was doing it my sleep. I was having right side jaw ache, couldn't open my mouth fully as it felt tight, couldn't close my teeth together, constant headaches, pain when eating on that side mostly, etc.

I asked at my routine dental check and he said he could see evidence of grinding on my back teeth, I felt my jaw muscles and said they were enlarged. Then he asked whether it was worse in the morning since I had no idea why this was happening. Because I found it worse in the mornings he said I must be doing it in my sleep.

Maybe you are doing the same? I tend to sleep more on my left so whether that is a factor, I don't know but if you are finding yourself clenching then your anxiety may be doing this when you sleep too. It's a very common anxiety symptom according to him and my GP. Headaches are very common with jaw ache anyway, if you clench while holding your temples you will feel the muscles move there too, hence why you get headaches with things like clenching/grinding.

The dentist told me to eat soft foods for a while and do this exercise before bed to help the muscles:

1. With mouth closed, touch tongue to roof.
2. Open mouth wide.
3. Close mouth & repeat.

It did help. See if it helps you.

I found mine lasted 6 months and taking a couple of paracetamol along with the exercises, and reducing my overall anxiety levels a bit, got rid of it. I've later found out that it was actually my med causing this, along with other problems, as it has Bruxism as a side effect. Have you started any meds?

I posted a guide to massaging & referred pain that may be helpful as it has some jaw massage in there:
