View Full Version : Worried about symptoms..

20-11-15, 01:31
I've always had an abnormally shaped Mastoid, it feels enlarged and has a squidgy top that I swear I can shape but this may be HA... I feel it has increased in size recently however i've had it for like 5 years...

Also.. I've always had problems with bowels, constipated as a kid... Stool sample as a child... In my adolescent years I've struggled with GAD which my father also suffers with.. currently I am fairly calm overall!

My recent symptoms have been..

Tinnutis and weird pressure in ear?
Bone and muscle pain
Smelly stool with mucus.. differentiates between loose and hard throughout the day
Slight stomach ache after certain foods i.e spice (I used to eat spicy food alot with no problems)
Sudden urge to poop which would be very mucus heavy
Undigested food in stool sometimes

Any idea? I'm currently on clinical placement for my radiotherapy degree so a doctors appointment is fairly difficult but in 2 weeks I will book one!

20-11-15, 19:39
They're probably all unrelated, I really wouldn't worry. Sounds like a bit of IBS and maybe a blocked ear from a virus x