View Full Version : Wrong Glasses?

20-11-15, 11:36
hii... so to start i got this glasses like 2 years ago and today the glasses give me a not so clear vision so can wearing this glasses give me eyestrain or double vision dunno pls answer ty :):welcome:

20-11-15, 12:11
It could do yeah and can give you headaches as well

Why not get them checked to be sure?

20-11-15, 12:34
I dont time and money for a check up :(( .. So can u guys keep suggesting things that might work without a check up:)

20-11-15, 17:55
To be honest, the best advice any of us can give is to get an eye test. My prescription changes every couple of years and it's possible that you need new lenses.

To give you any other advice would be misleading. Is there no way you can get some support for a test?


21-11-15, 05:45
tnx for the reply.. tbh i want to go to a check up but afraid that the doctor will find nothing lol and i will use my savings for my projects and etc......hmmmmm well my double vision always worse when i glare or something that make my eye little