View Full Version : Freaked out

21-11-15, 06:46
i am agoraphobic for the past 14 years and suffer from anxiety and panic attacks too.my husband has booked an appointment with a psychiatrist and i am freaking out.although he has assured me that if i feel uncomfortable then we will leave but thats not helping me at all! i have been having continuos anxiety since he mentined the visit to me.i dont know what to do...:unsure:

21-11-15, 11:19
Do it. When my first appointment came through the post for a couple weeks ahead my anxiety skyrocketed and the appointment was at 5pm so that day was unbearable. I kept saying to myself I can't do it I won't go( at this time had been housebound for 3 months)and then I said to myself" is this really how you want to live the rest of your life. I have spent 20 years of panic disorder ,agoraphobia that had finally left me with the ability to do a 5 minute walk to work and back and eventually housebound" The answer was no. Take that first step it won't be easy it will be bloody awful but when you sit down and talk to someone who "gets it" and doesn't care if you have a panic attack or burst into tears,doesn't judge you a feeling of relief will wash over you. It's really really worth it. Talk it through on here on your days leading up to the appointment we'll help you get through it.

21-11-15, 12:05
And to add to Jayb's post, you will be so proud of yourself that you did it! You can always come back on here to talk it through :) we are all in this together. Being proud of myself for going to that first appointment really boosted my mood and helped me to keep going. It's hard but worth it.

24-11-15, 01:35
Hi Samina:)

Welcome to the forum:welcome:

What exactly is it that worries you? Going out and visiting the clinic or the consultation itself? If you fear going outside of your home you can talk with the psychiatrist if it would be possible that he/she visits you at home instead. Although I think that would be a lot more expensive.

I know that you're anxious about it but you really need diagnosis so you can have the proper treatment. Find it in yourself to have the courage to do so. Do it for your husband and for yourself. Sometimes all you need is courage to make anxiety go away.

30-11-15, 05:13
i am agoraphobic for the past 14 years and suffer from anxiety and panic attacks too.my husband has booked an appointment with a psychiatrist and i am freaking out.although he has assured me that if i feel uncomfortable then we will leave but thats not helping me at all! i have been having continuos anxiety since he mentined the visit to me.i dont know what to do...:unsure:

Hey Samina
You will be OK, of course it will be a bit freaky at the beginning, its out of your comfy zone, but think of it as your first step on the road of recovery....

Best Of Luck

WhyEvenPanic.com (http://whyevenpanic.com)