View Full Version : Is it the C word?

22-11-15, 09:44
Help!! I have been trying not to let this one get me but it eventually has!

In April I had a ferritin level of 9, my lovely Dr suggested it could indicate a bleed or not getting enough iron in my diet. She said that because everything else on blood test was fine - FBC was actually higher than the 'normal level' and the 'inflammatory indicator' was ok then she said she isn't concerned about anything sinister so put me on a 6 month course of iron tablets. Went away feeling absolutely fine.

Fast forward to this last couple of weeks and serious anxiety has set in. I had what looked to be blood in my stool, only one spot and again similar looking a few days later. I have suffered with ibs and loose stools for about 5 years and had a clear colonoscopy 4 years ago.

I had a follow up blood test and went back for my results on Thursday. The ferritin level had gone up to 58 which if I didn't see the 'blood' would have been the best news. However, I mentioned the possibility of blood and she has sent me off to do 4 stool samples. (FOBT)? She said she is checking for blood and also for IBD or colitis but her main concern isn't 'C' due to my age (I'm 31).

When she says she's checking for blood does this mean she thinks cancer could still be a factor if IBD and colitis are ruled out, even though all my blood tests were fine in April and my ferritin level is ok now? She didn't check for a fissure or anything so I don't think she thinks it's something as simple as that if it is blood. Please please help, I've got so much planned for this week and I'm dreading a phone call to say the Dr needs to see me.

dizzy daisy
22-11-15, 10:25
Aww don't worry I'm waiting for blood results so I know how worrying this can be. It's been almost 2 weeks since the bloods were taken so I'm
Telling myself if anything looked low or abnormal the GP would have called or sent a letter by now.
I think your dr has answered your question in that she said she wasn't worried about anything sinister. You also had a colonoscopy fairly recently which didn't indicate anything. It's usually really thick black looking tarry stools that indicate something serious rather than small specks and if blood is bright red it's usually piles, fissures or sometimes from straining or sharp bits like nuts. I think your dr is just trying to calm you by showing you nothing serious is wrong. IBS/IBD is common in anxious people, and if it helps my mum has IBS which was diagnosed as she bled at times after going to the loo- all tests confirmed it was only IBS and the frequency she was going to the loo was causing inflammation and therefore a bit of blood xxxx

22-11-15, 11:14
Oh thank you! That's a relief to hear about your mums bleeding being down to the amount she was going rather than straining. I know it sounds gross but I never have to strain but most things say piles/fissures are caused by straining! Thank you for your comment and I really hope it is just the ibs being annoying! I did start taking some probiotics so I'm not sure if they've made it worse. I hope your bloods are ok but I'm guessing you would have heard by now if anything worrisome! :) thank you again, really appreciate it x

dizzy daisy
22-11-15, 11:43
You're welcome hunny I'm glad I could offer some reassurance. I don't know if you have seen it but another member posted recently about having a stool sample taken and she was convinced it was bloody but it came back clear.
Can I just mither and ask how long after your bloods were taken were you informed about the ferritin? I'm just trying to reassure myself now ha ha xxxx

22-11-15, 15:10
Lol bless you! It was about 2 days but I phoned them as I don't give anything a chance! Haha but speaking from previous experience if they haven't called you within about 4-5 days then it's always been ok, they haven't phoned because they haven't needed to. Have you called to ask them? xx

dizzy daisy
22-11-15, 15:23
I almost did yesterday but then chickened out. I know I'm being ridiculous but hey that's anxiety for you. Thanks do much for getting back to me.
You'll be ok too hunny you'll see xxxx

22-11-15, 16:28
It's not ridiculous to me or anyone else with HA for that matter :) phone them tomorrow to put your mind at rest (which it will) and let me know how you get the on x