View Full Version : In blind panic ! Please see pic cancerous mole?

22-11-15, 10:37
I have lots of moles and major health anxiety ! Especially about moles . I've had this one a while but telling myself it's changed? It's always been this big tho . Pleas help

22-11-15, 10:43
Looks fine to me but see your gp if you're concerned. I also have many moles and i have had one recently checked out by the gp who referred me to dermatology just me make sure...it was a pretty nasty one. Gp can usually look at it and say its fine but if they have any doubt they can send you for an urgent referral to dermatology and they can say yes it needs to come off or no it's fine straight away. Don't panic, as i say, it looks perfectly harmless to me.

06-12-15, 14:30
I'm sorry, I don't know how to start a new thread so I'm just posting under this one.
I have a mole that has changed drastically in about 9 months time.
It started as a tiny-what appeared to be raised blood spot under the skin.
Over a couple of months it grew to be three times that size, but is still smaller than a pencil eraser.
It turned into three connected black spots, and after that the three black spots changed into 5 tiny black spots that are not all connected.
The dots are enclosed in a clear/pinkish bump.
Now there is a crusty scab looking thing on top, but I think it's just one of the black dots that's no longer in the pink enclosed skin.
I'm very worried about this, and my dermatologist appointment is not for three more weeks.
Could this be cancerous or is just a normal spot?

06-12-15, 14:34
Very difficult to say without seeing in and even then the dermatologists are the experts. It does sound like it has features of a cancerous mole but don't let that panic you because mamy completely innocent miles change over time like that and are deemed fine. The dermatologists are really great and then will be able to look at it and straight away say no its fine or they may want to biopsy it if they are still in doubt. Good luck