View Full Version : 23 weeks pregnant and uti

22-11-15, 14:19
For the last few nights i have found my self needing the toilet every 30 minutes or so. sometimes i have the urge but just cant go. i was tested for a uti on wednesday which came back clear. so what is causing this. she said the cold weather could cause this but it doesnt seem like its happening during the day. i have no pain upon urinating.

Worse time is between 6pm-bedtime and then I'm up twice in the night as well.
So scared

22-11-15, 20:46
Emma, please don't be scared. From memory - my 'baby' just turned 40 :D - this is entirely normal and will carry on until the baby is born. I never get up in the night - not before, not since being pregnant - but during pregnancy, I certainly did.

I have googled for you - it is from a website called BabyCentre - and this is the explanation they give:

Why do I keep getting up for the loo at night?

Needing to go to the loo at night (nocturia) is common in pregnancy. You'll feel the urge to go more often because of hormonal changes and increased blood flow through your kidneys. You drink more fluids during pregnancy, which may also play a part.

Waking up needing the loo is most likely to disturb your sleep in the first trimester and third trimester of pregnancy. As your baby grows, so does the amount of blood and other fluids in your body. Your kidneys work harder to get rid of waste products, which is why you have the increased urge to wee.

In the first three months of your pregnancy, your expanding womb (uterus) puts pressure on your bladder. Around the fourth month, your uterus rises further up into your belly. This takes the pressure off your bladder, but only for a while.

In the final weeks, the need to wee returns as your uterus gets bigger and your baby fills your pelvis again. That familiar pressure on your bladder will be with you until your baby is born.


Best wishes from Annie :hugs: