View Full Version : Are these physical sensations of anxiety?

22-11-15, 15:56
Hi everyone!

I hope you are all as well as can be!

I've had anxiety for years, but over recent months I keep getting cycles where I'm not so bad, and then it hits me full force. I've not had anxiety where the physical sensations are this strong, and I was wondering if this sounds normal for anxiety???

I'm feeling...

~ Like there's an elephant sitting on my chest. I'm having to physically make an effort to breathe. Like an elastic band around the top of my waist.

~ Random chest pains.

~ Shaking/trembling.

~ Dizziness, extreme fatigue.

~ Really dry mouth and throat.

~ Like there's a lump in my throat, and my throat feels really tight.

~ Like my heart is in my throat.

Is this all typical of anxiety? Usually when I have anxiety I'm pretty good at calming myself down, but this has been nearly two weeks and nothing I do seems to be helping.

It got so bad last week that I ended up in A+E (really unlike me!) because I just couldn't breathe. I had an ECG, chest x-ray, bloods, urine test, the works...they couldn't find anything, and put it down to anxiety.

My GP has since doubled my sertraline.

Some assurance that this is 'normal' would be really greatly appreciated. I already have health anxiety, so it's taking every bit of strength I have to not crumble with these awful physical sensations that I'm being told are anxiety.

If anyone has any suggestions too as to what I can do to alleviate these feelings, that would be appreciated too. I'm trying deep breathing, but that doesn't seem to help :(

Thank you SO much!!!

C xox

22-11-15, 16:04
Without a doubt, they are all symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)of anxiety.

As far as alleviating them? The most traditional methods are still the most tried and true as in therapy and/or meds. It takes time for the anxious physiology to calm down and achieving that is the key to alleviating the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

22-11-15, 16:06
Thank you so much Fishmanpa!

It just blows my mind how severe the physical sensations are. Terrifying :(

dizzy daisy
22-11-15, 16:38
No chest pain or palpitations but I have had this in the past. I'm pretty much experiencing everything else you mentioned as we speak. You're certainly not alone. Fishmanpa is so right with advice, it's hard though but we're all going through the same thing xxxx

22-11-15, 16:40
Thank you Dizzy Daisy - I'm so sorry you're going through this too! Do you have your symptoms all the time, or are they triggered by something? C xo

dizzy daisy
22-11-15, 17:02
I've had anxiety for years and managed to get it under control but I started sure job and then had a migraine which always makes me feel shit. I panicked about being off from my new job then seemed to get a virus and hey presto triggered a bad anxiety episode!! I'm having good and bad days at the minute but hopefully this will settle and I can get back on track. What about you are you having this continuously or is there certain triggers? Xxxx

22-11-15, 17:10
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that lovely!

Like you, I've had it for years (about 13, since I was in my late teens). I always have a low-level of anxiety/depression, but lately I seem to be getting 'cycles' of really bad episodes. I actually wonder whether it's connected to my hormones, although this has only been happening in the last six months or so.

I started feeling low just over a week ago, and I started getting dark thoughts. It spiralled from there I guess. At the moment, it feels like it's constant - with brief moments in between where I feel ok. I run my own business, so on one hand I'm glad I don't have to deal with a job too, but I also have the business to keep afloat :)

It's just so hard to cope with when it's this severe :(

dizzy daisy
22-11-15, 19:17
Me too I was about 16 when this started. It's horrible. I've manage pretty well over the last 12 years really, like you say some low level anxiety maybe but functional. I've been wishing I were self employed these last few weeks but I guess like you say that also comes with its problems.
I hope this can settle down for you soon hunny xxxx

22-11-15, 22:02
Not to step on anyone's toes, but couldn't the sertraline be attributable to some of these symptoms? I know there's huge advocacy for these medications in the medical community and some even claim they have allowed them to live a normal and productive life. Despite this I tend to distrust them as there is very little scientific evidence to back up there health benefits, yet plenty of data to support their hindrance in anxiety and depression. Again, if it works for you it works. I myself am trying to decide what I can do for my anxiety as I have had pressure headaches for now close to 5 weeks (feeling of pressure in the front region of my head) and unequal pupils (one minute one is bigger then the other then the next day it changes). Just trying to look outside the box here, and by all means do not take what I say to be sound evidence of its lack of efficacy. That said, it would be worth your time to pay close attention to how an increase in the dosage effects your symptoms.

And to the above poster; hahaha. Self employment can be great but it can be horrible as well. I'm currently engaging in my own venture out of necessity. I've spent 8x more then I've made...