View Full Version : Lymph nodes all way down enck are sore.

18-02-07, 16:59
Yet another symptom... I gace a swollen sore lymph node just behind my right earlobe, and a couple of swollen sore lymph nodes on my right side under my jaw near the top of my neck.

This morning I woke up and though not exactly swollen, I have what feels like lymph node soreness all the way from my voicebox right down to the bottom of my neck on the right side.

I'm petrified this could be a sign the feared cancer of the windpipe (can't remember what it's really called, Trachea?) that the doctor assured me I didn't have is there afterall. He was really haphazard and rushed me and didn't really do anything but check ym peak flow rate (which was extremely good, he said).

I don't want to go looking on the internet but I can't remember if slightly swollen sore lymph nodes are just the sign of infection or cancer too? I was only minorly worried yesterday when it was confined to above the neck but now it's not I'm really worrying.

18-02-07, 20:21
Lymph nodes swell when your body is fighting an infection. At the moment I have a fair few swollen and sore, not huge but they are raised. Like you I have them right behind my ear, sort of on the bone and down the tube from ear to throat I have quite a few, very sore to touch. I saw my GP and I have a sinus infection.

They swell if you have a cold, virus, infection and even if you have nasty spots, I get huge raised glands when im spotty.

I honestly would not worry. Yes glands can raise when you have cancer but my dr has told me that id be very ill and also the glands feel different if you have cancer, so if your dr has checked you over then he knows you are ok.