View Full Version : Therapist Experiences Derealization/Pure O/Existential Panic, etc., etc., etc....

23-11-15, 01:30
Hi all -

My name is Kim and I'm a 26-year-old female from Philadelphia, PA.

I have typically been an "anxious person" ever since I can remember, even when I was a small child and would experience separation anxiety from my mom. However, I have gone through periods of anxiety that were extremely severe three times in my life (twice before and now currently) characterized by existential panic, agoraphobia, intrusive/obsessive thoughts, and social anxiety.

As a young adolescent, I suffered from severe hypochondria, often believing that I had some form of cancer. I would hyper-focus on various harmless symptoms that I now recognize were completely unfounded. The hypochondria would re-occur episodically but eventually passed completely.

As I progressed into early adulthood, my episodic anxiety transformed into a different beast. At the age of 18, I experienced the loss of my brother's best friend, whom I was not particularly close to - however, it was the first time that a young person (only a few years my senior) died unexpectedly. This caused me to engage in obsessive thoughts about my own death, my mortality, and what happens after one dies. I basically rode a downward spiral to a total breakdown - I experienced derealization, constantly questioned my existence, wouldn't sleep for days, was agoraphobic, isolated from friends and loved ones, etc. This episode lasted for a few months, but eventually passed after I met a boy at a party and fell in love. This caused me to think outwardly rather than be so "in my head all of the time". His attention served as a welcomed distraction to the horrible thoughts I was experiencing.

I was functioning well for several years after that - went through my break-up with my ex (the boy that distracted me initially) without problem. I moved into my own apartment with a dear friend of mine and would occasionally imbibe in some recreational activities with cannabis. One night I smoked by myself and launched myself into a full-blow panic attack, which left me debilitated and in the midst of an existential crisis for a year. I finally recovered from that, but recently relapsed a couple of weeks ago.

I can't go anywhere without questioning my existence. I have terrifying thoughts of harming myself or others and despite knowing I won't do anything about it, I can't stop thinking about whether or not there will come a day when I'm not able to fight off the impulse. I worry about going crazy. I worry about telling people about my condition because they will think I'm nuts. One of the worst parts of this all is the constant inner turmoil I am in, but behaving outwardly in an otherwise normal manner. I feel depressed and sad. I worry that this will debilitate me so much that I won't be able to function. I know deep down that this emotion will pass as soon as I surrender, but it's like I can't turn my brain off. It's constantly running like it's on a damn hamster wheel.

I exercise regularly and recently got on a weight loss kick (I'm down 57 lbs). Writing this all out seems to have helped ground me a little bit for the moment, so I'm going to continue perusing and hopefully providing helpful feedback to others that are experiencing similar emotions. I'm a licensed therapist (and work as an addictions therapist) so I am here to help anyone that needs/wants it.

Thanks for listening to my rant, guys...hopefully we all can get better from this terrible disorder....

23-11-15, 01:37
Hiya kcl10 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

23-11-15, 02:06
Hey Kim, just wanted to say "Welcome" and let you know how much I can relate. I'm 27 and also am a therapist. I've struggled with health anxiety/hypochondria since I was young, always knew it was irrational, but still battled the beast anyway. It was made worse when my mother died 5 years ago now. I battle depression currently with my anxiety, as well as PTSD in the past.

I think my own past and experiences in treatment have motivated me to do this work as my career with others. I don't know if you feel this way, but sometimes I feel like a fraud being able to do the work successfully with others, but go home and feel like a complete mess in my own private life! This website has been a nice place away from my family, friends, coworkers, etc. to talk and get support. I've run into some stigma with my family members, telling me "You're the therapist, you should know how to handle things." Well, funny thing is we are human too.

Anyway, that's my short story. I'm glad you are here!