View Full Version : Extreme jet lag?

23-11-15, 02:49
So I know I'm a generally anxious person and a huge hypochondriac, but I haven't been this bad in a while and I'm not sure if it's me or jetlag. I just got back from Germany on Tuesday (it's Sunday today and Germany is six hours ahead of me) and ever since then I just feel like a mess. I'm SO exhausted all the time. I'm ready to go to bed by like 9 at night and I can't sleep past 8 in the morning. I've also been feeling really anxious and weirdly emotional. I just feel sleep deprived and like crying at random times of the day. I work at a hotel so I have strange hours. I went back to work the day after I got back from Germany so I never really gave myself anytime to recuperate from my trip. Do you think this is just my anxiety flaring or I'm still a bit jet lagged?

dizzy daisy
23-11-15, 07:36
I've been feeling like that but no flights anywhere to blame. Like you I haven't had anxiety this bad and sustained for years xxxx