View Full Version : My feet and legs feel cold, has anyone else experienced this? What could it be?

23-11-15, 14:58
The last couple days my feet have felt cold and my legs sometimes too, and i am wondering if it's some kind of circulation issue. I went out on Saturday and the weather was awful, really, really cold and windy, i was walking around for a while shopping and then i visited a friend after.

I am wondering if the cold in my feet and (occasionally) legs are from the cold the other day. What do you think? I am trying to warm myself up at home. I don't drive at the moment so i rely on public transport, which isn't always ideal if it's freezing cold outside, especially if the buses are late.

I don't want to rush to the doctors over this because it's only just become apparent. In fact it's only really been since yesterday that i noticed the cold feet.

I don't always dress up super warm, but i also don't go out in few clothes. I wear a nice warm jacket, jeans and nice boots, and sometimes a cap or wooly hat.

I was just curious if anyone else has experienced cold feet (literally lol) before and how was it for you?

23-11-15, 18:44
Try some thicker socks that's what I do

24-11-15, 17:50
Try some thicker socks that's what I do

Yeah it's weird because at home they feel colder, but when i am out and about they don't feel cold, or if they do i don't notice them. I wore thermals today and it helped, but now i'm home they feel cold again. Should i go to the doctor about it? I don't know what they would even suggest tbh.

24-11-15, 20:45
I don't know how old you are .
When I turned 50 I discovered cold weather and I don't get on very well . If I get too much exposure to bad weather I feel rubbish for a day after .

24-11-15, 20:49
Yeah it's weird because at home they feel colder, but when i am out and about they don't feel cold, or if they do i don't notice them. I wore thermals today and it helped, but now i'm home they feel cold again. Should i go to the doctor about it? I don't know what they would even suggest tbh.
If your walking about they are moving and getting the blood circulating so will feel warmer,sitting about they will get cold