View Full Version : Excess stomach acid + omeprazole

23-11-15, 15:15
I posted recently about having this horrible hunger-like discomfort. I can only describe it as it literally feels like I'm hungry (gnawing is really how I'd describe it) about 1-2 hours after I've eaten but does now seem to be relieved by burping (if only for a few seconds and it does sometimes feel to get stuck in my chest). It also seems worse at night. I've had it probably for about 4 weeks now, but I have to say it HAS improved very slightly on its own, as I was feeling hungry ALL the time before.

I finally went to the doctor about it who wasn't concerned and told me that in no way can it be cancer or anything sinister (I'm a 22-year-old female and he said it's unheard of. He felt all my abdomen and said it was all fine). He told me that it's excess stomach acid that has likely been brought on by my anxiety and prescribed me omeprazole 20mg once a day for a month. He said if my symptoms don't improve or they get better and come back, I may have to go for tests (not what a HA sufferer really wants to hear). I've never had any stomach problems before.

I've been taking the omeprazole for about 4 days now but can't say I've felt much of an improvement. I don't suppose anyone has had any similar experience as this? Or how long omeprazole has taken to improve symptoms? I also don't really know when the best time to take omeprazole is, as I've been taking it in the evenings after my evening meal which perhaps isn't the best time.

I just want to get back to normal. It's making me miserable. ):

23-11-15, 15:46

I was put on 20mg omeprazole about 4 weeks ago for a month, after 2 weeks I only had a slight improvement so didn't wait the month I went back to Drs. My Dr told me to increase it to 40mgs. I found I am better to take 20mg in morning and 20mg before tea. The nurse at my drs said 20mg is the starting dose and it can be increased depending on patients response to it. Also I was told to take it before food so I take mine an hour before eating. My GP has given me 2 months worth but wants to see me this Wednesday to see how I am getting on with 40mgs.

There is a post by me on here somewhere about my omeprazole experience.... I am just as worried as you about my digestive complaints.......... I do think digestive 'things' go hand in hand with anxiety............

23-11-15, 20:48
Thanks for your response, jarmummy123. I can appreciate exactly how you're feeling. The problem is, getting worried about it only makes it worse it seems!

I decided to take the omeprazole an hour before my evening meal today (so I took it at 5pm as I eat at around 6pm) but lo and behold, bang on 8pm, it flares up again and I feel like I need to eat something. (I know I'm not legitimately hungry because I have no appetite and before this started, I generally didn't feel I needed to eat before around 10pm and after I ate something, I'd be fine for the remainder of the night). If I eat something now, I will feel hungry again by the time 11pm rolls around and it'll continue all night.

I'm going to try taking it in the morning tomorrow, but I'm honestly thinking I may just need to talk to my doctor as maybe the dosage isn't high enough or omeprazole just isn't working for me. I'm just concerned as to what an earth is wrong as it seems omeprazole works for pretty much everyone with stomach/acid issues and I really don't want to be suffering with this over Christmas!

I have wondered if it's a side effect of omeprazole with the change in stomach acid, but I can't find anything that would point to this. It's really effecting my sleep and everyday routine. ):