View Full Version : Lump on top side of foot

Worried of Norwich
23-11-15, 22:55

I have a lump on the top of my right foot to one side. It is quite hard and over a fairly long period of time it appears to have gotten bigger. I have been to see the GP on more than one occasion and they have diagnosed as being a harmless Ganglion Cyst. Occasionally it will ache and can be sore when I kneel upon it. Just lately I have noticed there appears to be smaller bumps close by. I have read that you can get smaller lumps near to the larger one but every now and again I panic that they have mis-diagnosed me and that it is something more serious like a tumour. Has anyone else ever had anything like this.

25-11-15, 08:48
Where on the top part of the foot? Like near the ankle or literally on the top part of it?

Worried of Norwich
26-11-15, 16:17
Its actually on the foot. If you imagine the little toe and the one next door to it, its about tow inches up from the along the tendons that run from these two toes.