View Full Version : has anyone managed to ....

24-11-15, 10:55
break the cycle of this horrible health anxiety?

as ive said before ive never had anxiety like this before, dont get me wrong ive got upset or worried over something and popped to the gp been reassured and with in a couple of days im back to normal, but this time its gripped me and although im a bit calmer my brain is still flitting from one symptom to another and although im trying really hard not to concentrate on them it is tough.

im waiting for CBT but wondered if anyone has any tips or things that have worked for them that might help me to break this cycle?


24-11-15, 12:50
I have, although it came back when I got ill with a real health issue. It's been resolved now and so I'm going to come off here and focus on being happy.
I have found that being unhappy/bored/stressed/lonely in your life can trigger a flare up, so have a think if this is true.
When I got pregnant with my son, my health anxiety disappeared overnight. I filled my mind with thoughts of pregnancy and literally read everything I could and it filled my mind and so I 'forgot' about my health worries.

This forum can help ease individual worries but I do find its a trigger as its a constant reminder of things to worry about and so I came off it and it really helped. Didn't watch any health related programmes or read anything and I just stopped googling anything to do with health.

You have to make a decision to overcome it and not 'once I know I'm fine or once I've had the all clear or once I'm better' etc as there is always something to worry about so that is never going to happen if you have health anxiety.

Figure out our triggers and avoid them as best as you can, surround yourself with positive people as much as you can and do whatever makes you happy. Find what time of day your health anxiety is at its peak and occupy it with something positive...a gym class, a good book, a good series on tv, quality time with your partner or best friend, etc. Most importantly, positive thoughts only. It's hard but the outcome is most certainly worth it X

dizzy daisy
24-11-15, 13:51
Excellent advice daisy.
Kellie this is all true and it does work. You just have to stick with it, keep occupied no matter how hard it is and you will improve. It's hard and frustrating but you can get to that place xxxx

24-11-15, 17:58
thank you both

i know i need to take it one day at a time and try no to over think all the time