View Full Version : 5 -HTP

24-11-15, 12:30
ive read a few good reviews about this and wondered if anyone has tried it and if its any good and would you recommend it?


24-11-15, 14:32
I tried this earlier this year. I am not sure it would 'fix' a major depression or anxiety, but if included as part of a healthy diet, a healthy life regime it might help a person who perhaps has low moments - especially during the winter months.

If you know you are prone to low moods, SAD, or something similar and are keen to avoid prescribed meds, then perhaps supplements (such as 5htp, Magnesium, St Johns Wort etc), as part of a wider approach might suit you. I don't think they are a magic bullet, and I certainly didn't feel they 'fixed' things.

HOWEVER, I am keen to come off meds. I have tried sertraline and Mirtazapine over the last 10 weeks (depression/anxiety). I have had the most awful side effects from sertraline which completely destroyed my quality of sleep. The mirt was supposed to help with the sleep thing - which it did initially for a week or so, before it bombed I think the GP starting me on 15 mg was perhaps not the correct thing, as I have since learned that the sleep thing is helped most effectively when Mirt is prescribed at 7.5 mg. It didn't help that after a difficult weekend, the GP increased my dose to 30 mg daily, and then just 10 days ago he dispensed a prescription for 45mg (which I have not yet filled).

I took the decision at the weekend to reduce and for the last 2 nights have only taken 15 mg. My intention is that by the end of the month I will be on 7.5mg - the dose which is stated to be more effective for helping with sleep issues.

Kellie - are you depressed/anxious ? Have you been diagnosed ? Have you taken ADs before ? Why afre you thinking about 5htp ?

24-11-15, 14:42
im suffering with anxiety (health anxiety) im not on any meds and im a bit calmer than i was but i read a few good reviews and wondered if it would help.
i was on anti depressants a few years ago but im would prefer to not go back on them now (i will if i have too). my mood is better but i cant shift the anxiety fully and thought this might help.

i just wondered if it was worth taking or not and if it would help

01-12-15, 11:02
anyone ??

01-12-15, 12:16
If you have significant anxiety then I am not sure 5htp will help, but you could try it for a few weeks before making a decision about seeing a GP and then considering prescribed meds.

02-12-15, 11:23
im going to give them a try for a few weeks and see how i get on with them, it cant hurt can it. im going to take a vit b with it as well as ive read that helps.
thanks for your advice

02-12-15, 11:57
I would also add a high strength Magnesium - there is quite a lot of evidence that this can help. MyNameIsTerry is very knowledgeable about supplements - he may be able to advise further.

08-12-15, 10:51
I have just started taking 5htp yesterday so cant really comment. I prefer not to take anti depressants as well and I've tried all sorts of natural remedies and this is the latest. I'm taking one 50mg tablet in the morning and one at night. Not sure if I should be taking both together. I will report back but I think it takes a while for it to get into your system and have any effect. Thats what I have read anyway.

08-12-15, 16:17
I have just started taking 5htp yesterday so cant really comment. I prefer not to take anti depressants as well and I've tried all sorts of natural remedies and this is the latest. I'm taking one 50mg tablet in the morning and one at night. Not sure if I should be taking both together. I will report back but I think it takes a while for it to get into your system and have any effect. Thats what I have read anyway.

would love to hear how you find them, ive been taking 100mg every morning for a week now and i have had times when i have felt calmer (not sure if its the tablets or not) but i do feel sick and very sleepy but not sleeping.
im not sure if these are helping me or not yet and at the min im confused if i should keep taking them or not.
look forward to hearing how you get on

08-12-15, 18:41
I would keep taking them as its early days yet. Maybe taking 100mg in the morning is too much or you should take them in the evening. I'm not really sure whats best.

I'll let you know how I get on.

08-12-15, 19:09
I would keep taking them as its early days yet. Maybe taking 100mg in the morning is too much or you should take them in the evening. I'm not really sure whats best.

I'll let you know how I get on.

i know you have to give these things time, i just hate feeling rubbish.
i tried taking at night for 2 nights and i didnt sleep and i felt like my body was buzzing all night long oh it was horrible.

i dont know what best to do with these things either lol just want to feel normal and so want something to work.

08-12-15, 20:18
Yes I really want them to work as well. If they are 50mg tablets try taking one in the morning and one later on, maybe late afternoon and see if that helps.

19-12-15, 09:04
I have got some high strength 5htp pills (200mg) but have only taken them 3 days so no major or instant improvement on my mood, though I felt ok yesterday. I barely slept last night so feel very weepy today but it is ALMOST that time of the month, lol!!!
It's so bloomin dark out all day long too which is not helping, so really hope along with 15mg of Mirtazapine my mood levels out, anxiety not horrific right now thank God1

27-09-16, 11:53

I know this thread is quite old but I just wanted to say...I have been on 5HTP 200mg for about 4 months and I don't feel any different really. I weaned myself off citalapram 5 months ago and feel now that I need to go back on them, my depression is in full swing. I would much rather take a herbal remedy but at the end of the day I just think well what's the difference, it's still taking a pill every day, I've tried to research if citalapram are dangerous for your body and not come up with many results so not sure. I don't feel a failure for wanting to go back on them I just feel it's a necessity same as any one else with an illness, they have to take medication maybe for the rest of their lives, why suffer ? I keep asking myself why am I depressed and I can't find one particular answer, maybe a multitude of things. My son came home yesterday, he lives in Australia and I haven't seen him for 3 years and now he has told me that's his life, that's where his home is, that's where he will start a family so that's not helped as I haven't stopped crying since he told me. I don't know, all i know is I don't want to feel like this hell on earth, I want to be happy so if that means going back on citalapram that's what I have to do...I have been on one anti depressant or another for probably 25 years on and off, maybe I've done permanent damage, is that even possible....do your seretonin levels go back to normal or were you just born with low levels so have to take the pills for the rest of your life, again I don't know but wish I had the answers


09-12-16, 23:25
I don't like taking meds but did previously take 5htp as it's natural and i seemed to be a litte less anxious but not sure if it was the 5htp.