View Full Version : lower neck lymph nodes...

24-11-15, 15:42
Hi all

I've had a virus for a few weeks now, started with sore throat and aches and now I have a cold. Since it started, I have noticed 3 lymph nodes lower down my neck are swollen. I can feel them with my fingers, they feel about the size of a pea or a small bean.

I am worried cause I Googled earlier and read that lumps lower down the neck close to the collar bone are "often" cancer(!) does anyone know anything about this?

However, I also read somewhere that unless they have swelled to the size of a grape there is nothing to worry about, so that set my mind at rest a bit!

I am hoping that they are just swollen due to my virus, but I have never noticed them swell like this before.

I am annoying my poor fiance but asking for reassurance every five mins and making my neck sore from prodding.

Am I freaking out over nothing here? Surely if it was something sinister they wouldnt have come up so quickly and it wouldn't be 3 of them all swollen at once?

I am just panicking cause normally its just the nodes at the very top of my neck under my jaw and chin that swell when I am ill.

Bloody hate stupid health anxiety :mad:


24-11-15, 15:52
You have all the reassurance you need in your own post.

Obviously, don't Google and don't poke and prod them. Let the virus run it's course, give the nodes time and space to heal is all.

Positive thoughts

24-11-15, 16:04
Thanks Fishmanpa, I am just soooooo worried though! It is p*ssing me off cause I have so many good things going on in my life at the moment and it's like my HA is just holding me back. It is def not as bad as it used to be.

I am just worried cause I have never felt nodes swell like this before and my default is just to assume its somehting sinister.

Will do as you have advised and let the virus run its course. I am just panicking though thinking what will happen if they get bigger or down go away when my virus clears :(

24-11-15, 17:00
It's probably all the prodding etc. I too suffer from HA and its awful. I'm waiting for a scan to happen and I've already diagnosed myself with cancer and I can't seem to shake it off. HA sucks. I really believe it's just the virus and prodding but if you feel unsure go to your Gp xxx

24-11-15, 21:48
Thanks for the reply Luja. You are right, HA is totally awful :( what is your scan for? I hate going for scans and always fear the worst. I have had probably about 7 or 8 scans in my lifetime though and all have been ok!

I am proper worried about my neck lumps now. I can feel three. One is about the size of a baked bean (lol) and the other two are pea sized, one slightly bigger than the other and quite firm, but moving around under the skin if that makes sense?

I need to stop prodding cause I know how sensitive lymph nodes are and the more I prod the longer it'll take for them to go down.

I can't help but think the worst though :( I guess that's the HA! I am worried cause I have been having night sweats too (not drenching ones and not every night, and I have been getting these for about a year on and off since I started taking Sertraline) but you know, I just worry so much that something is up!

I'm worried cause normally its just the glads under my chin that swell up but this time its the lower down glands and only on one side, and I read that thing earlier that glands lower down and close to the collar bone are 'often' cancer which has scared me loads!

Just after some reassurance really, has anyone else had this problem with lower down glands swelling up? I am really worried :(

24-11-15, 23:00
I've had enlarged lymph nodes for years, they stayed swollen after I got mumps (I was vaccinated, too!). They are all the size of a bean, and I can feel them all over my neck and collarbone. My doc said they're called shotty lymph nodes, and they're harmless. Also, lymph nodes sometimes swell in response to an infection or cold. It's normal.

25-11-15, 03:55
Thanks for you reply...

Awake as my 'infection' has gotten on my chest now... my lumps are still there and I am freaking out big time cause the are in my clavicle on the right hand side and I read online that if you get that the dr will run tests and biopsies and that Hodgkin Lymphoma can present in this way!

I could cry and cry. I am gonna try and see my dr tomorrow. I pray to God she takes on look at me and says Im fine...

worried sick :( why would a chest infection or cold cause swellings on one side in my clavicle?

I am so frightened.

25-11-15, 07:21
My scan is on my ovaries and I am convinced I have ovarian cancer as I have a niggling pain feeling in that area ... there feels.like there is a lump there but can't feel one if that makes sense? My scan is tomorrow and I am convinced it's going to be that. For the past week I have had night terrors I feel like my world is falling down. If the lumps are moveable I have always been told these are not cancerous but please see your Gp he or she can tell you in seconds of there is a problem. HA is awful as it affects your whole life .... scans scare me as scans can tell you if there is something wrong. Keep strong! Xxx

25-11-15, 11:48
Thank you xx

I just got back from the doctors. He said the nodes are swollen most likely due to my infection in my throat. He was a junior doctor though and I know I shouldnt undermine him but I just dont feel happy with it. I told him I was anxious about being referred for scans and he said if the nodes are still up when I am better I will need to go back and be referred for a scan :(

Hes given me antibiotics and steroids (I'm asthmatic) and I am hoping to GOD they bring these lumps down. I am freaking out big time that its lymphoma or some other disease :( I get married next year in September and I am just so panicked that I wont live to do that now.

Really feel down :( off work too which makes it worse cause all I am doing is thinking about it, even if I try and disctract myself. I cant stop feeling the nodes and wondering what they are :(

If they were higher up I wouldnt care less! its cause they are lower down that I am worried cause I know lower down ones (from Googling) are more cause for concern :(

Sometimes, I wish I could just switch off my brain!


---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 ----------

My scan is on my ovaries and I am convinced I have ovarian cancer as I have a niggling pain feeling in that area ... there feels.like there is a lump there but can't feel one if that makes sense? My scan is tomorrow and I am convinced it's going to be that. For the past week I have had night terrors I feel like my world is falling down. If the lumps are moveable I have always been told these are not cancerous but please see your Gp he or she can tell you in seconds of there is a problem. HA is awful as it affects your whole life .... scans scare me as scans can tell you if there is something wrong. Keep strong! Xxx

I am so sorry to hear you have all this anxiety too *hugs* it is awful isn't it? It totally goes affect your whole life. I hope your scan goes well today and sets your mind at rest. My lumps are moveable but the GP still said if they are there in a month or so I will need a scan. I guess its just a precaution and I shouldn't worry, but you know how it is :unsure:

Let me know how your scan goes, you keep strong too! xxx

25-11-15, 13:27
Just went through this with my son. He had been sick w a horrible cold, cough and ear infection and I noticed a lump on the side of his neck. I knew it was a lymph node but it was halfway down his neck you could see it when he turned his head. Like you I was freaking out it was lymphoma. A week later its much smaller and im back to worrying about me lol. Leave it alone and itll go away.

25-11-15, 14:03
Just went through this with my son. He had been sick w a horrible cold, cough and ear infection and I noticed a lump on the side of his neck. I knew it was a lymph node but it was halfway down his neck you could see it when he turned his head. Like you I was freaking out it was lymphoma. A week later its much smaller and im back to worrying about me lol. Leave it alone and itll go away.

Thanks Jennyzee. makes me feel better knowing others have had lumps that have shrunk! Hoping mine go down soon. It must be even more worrying when you feel anxious about your child. I hope to start a family next year after I get married but I just hope my HA gets better before then :(

I worry cause my granddad had lymphoma and died from it :( this was over 20 years ago though and I know there are much better treatments. I just cant bear the idea of getting ill and dying! I am only 31 and have so much to look forward too. Also my husband to be has no parents (he lost them at a young age) and I worry about leaving him on his own! I know all of this is irrational but it still gets me :(

I guess what really gets me is the loss of control element to it. I worry about the tests and that more than I'd actual fear cancer if that makes sense? its like the anticipation is the thing that I am fearful of.

Was your sons node lower down his neck then? I have three on my right side, one slightly above the clavicle and two higher up. one of them is quite firm and they all move about. Must stop prodding!

The dr told me today that often the nodes can stay enlarged for a while after the infection has gone. I guess what I am worrying about now is if they either get bigger (I will totally lose it if that happens) or if they dont go down or go away after I get better. I am very, very frightened about having to go back to the doctors about this cause he said I will need to go for an ultrasound scan :(


25-11-15, 15:07
Yes, they were his lower neck, I wouldn't have thought twice if they were up higher. I was too scared to even bring him in. I just said to myself if they have not gone down at all after a few weeks ill take him. I did read that they can stay enlarged for a while. Try and forget about it! (I know that's hard!!)

26-11-15, 01:03
I really wish I could forget about it. My HA is loads better than it was though! This time last year I'd have been in hysterics in the drs surgery but today I was pretty calm.

Bizarrely, I feel as if they have gone down a tiny bit. I did take 40mg of predisolone earlier though (steroids) for my chest infection so maybe it's that?

I really need to chill out but feel totally wired and awake :(

26-11-15, 08:53
Hi, I'm glad you went to the doctors. Scans are awful and I am Sat here sobbing my heart out as my scan is at 10.10 and I know they will find something. My little boy had what you have and with some strong antibiotics and steroids after about 3 weeks the nodes started going down. Try and stay strong (pah who am I to advise that). Xxx

26-11-15, 09:42
Hi, I'm glad you went to the doctors. Scans are awful and I am Sat here sobbing my heart out as my scan is at 10.10 and I know they will find something. My little boy had what you have and with some strong antibiotics and steroids after about 3 weeks the nodes started going down. Try and stay strong (pah who am I to advise that). Xxx

Hope you scan goes ok. Sorry you are feeling so anxious and horrible - do you have anyone with you at the moment or anyone coming with you to your scan? Let us know how you get on. When you say "I know they will find something" you remind me so much of how I think! Fingers crossed for you and all being well in an hour or so you will have your mind set to rest xx

My glands do feel like they have gone down a tiny, tiny bit. The steroids and antibiotics seem to be working, although the steroids are making me very jittery and edgy. My fella is out at work so I am left to my own devices today... think I will have to distract myself with a spot of online shopping :shades:

Seriously though, health anxiety really is rubbish - I hate how it almost plays tricks on our minds and the way we process thoughts. I look back on the days where I had tests and scans and never gave it a second thought! when I was about 21 I had to have a brain scan due to dizzy spells and it never phased me in the slightest!

All the best to you and let us know how it goes


11-02-16, 03:10
snowflake what happened with your enlarged node? did it go away? did you have anymore testing? I'm currently going through something similar and freaking out!

11-02-16, 03:35
I have lymph nodes like this in my lower left collarbone area. 2 about the size of a small bean and 1 much smaller. They've never gone down. 1 I've had for at least 5 years. The other 2 for several months at least. Could be longer. Of course, it's only now I'm stressing about them.

11-02-16, 12:01
I had a cluster of them on the bottom of my neck at the side come up last Christmas, one was about the size of a pea and the others were a little smaller. I was so worried about lymphoma my nurse gave me a blood test and that was clear thank god, but about two weeks after they appeared I got the worst cold and tonsillitis of my life!! they are probably up because you have been sick. nodes are like little hungry animals that eat up all the bugs that go past them. they may reduce in size, go away or stay the same. I have loads of tiny ones all over my body and im still here!! and the ones on my neck have never changed.

14-02-16, 23:36
snowflake what happened with your enlarged node? did it go away? did you have anymore testing? I'm currently going through something similar and freaking out!

I still have one I can feel but I have been able to feel it for years so not worried. It got bigger when I felt ill and I could feel two other nodes. Not had to have any tests.

What is happening with your nodes? If you want to send me a private message please do. I know how terrible it is feeling so worried.
