View Full Version : Reflux issues...... worried

24-11-15, 18:32

My gp put me on omeprazole 20mg a month ago but after two wks things werent alot better. GP put on 20mg morning then 20mg before tea. Since I started 40mg I hadnt had no heartburn, my appetite was back, I had no sour taste in mouth, bloating had gone and the lump feeling jn my throat had gone...... I felt like I was getting back to normal. Last night I went to KFC for the first time in ages..... last night in bed my tummy felt sore and all day today been feeling slight heartburn and tonight have a sour taste in mouth...... im really panicking........ could it be a flare from KFC...... does it mean the omeprazole isnt working...... im so worried.

24-11-15, 18:44
This is pure 1+1=2. KFC is nasty crap!! With reflux, you need to also watch what you eat as many foods in general can and do cause excess acid. Keep a food diary and stay away from the foods that cause you issues.... plain and simple.

Positive thoughts

24-11-15, 23:29
Omeprazole is not a cure all. As Fishmanpa says, you still need to watch the foods you eat.