View Full Version : Stiff neck

24-11-15, 22:47
I have a cold for sure. Sore throat slight headache, no appetite, congested and runny nose. No fever at all but it was 99.7 two days ago. AnywAy my neck feel quite stiff in the back behind my ears. It goes from my ear down in my my back a little bit. More on the left side. Not so much on the front by my throat but the sides and back. I do have a swollen lymph node on my left side half way down under my ear. I can breath pretty good considering my congestion but I'm worried about the stiffness it feels slightly swollen but not much. It does hurt too. Not a lot but enough I know it's there. I'm really trying to avoid the dr since our insurance sucks. Any advice on the stiffness? It's not stopping me from moving my head at all if that matters. Idk if it's just stiff muscles or swollen nodes all over I can't feel. Sorry this is all over the place! I'm on a small phone. Thanks in advance.

24-11-15, 23:19
I think it'll pass, I tend to get weird aches like that with colds too, fingers crossed you'll feel a bit better in the next day or two

24-11-15, 23:33
It's kinda freaking me out! Like I know I can breath but it feels like someone is trying to strangle me