View Full Version : scarey

18-02-07, 19:50
Hiya to all

Most people seem to have the opposite of what is happening to me where it concerns the heartbeat. My heart seems to go slow rather than race, although on occassions it will race. I get a still feeling in my chest, my heart feels like it is opening slowly, at times i have a weird feeling where i can feel my heartbeat and everytime it beats it seems to take air out of my chest and bottom of my throat and go all light headed as if i'm going to pass out. Its very scary.

Can't explain my symptoms properly, but if you are or have had similar feelings could you please let me know because it really scares me:eek: .

Be Safe


18-02-07, 20:04

I get this too as well as pounding heart and missed heartbeats.
I get that horrible feeling in my throat to, my heart feels like its struggling to beat. Never had it until i became obsessed with what my hearts doing all the time. Your heart can beat slow as well as fast with anxiety so try not to worry. I know it's not nice, just try to distract yourself when it happens.
Take care.

19-02-07, 01:50
Hi Rosebud

Thank's for the reply thought it was just me.

I also get the heart pounding & missed heartbeats too, i will have to take your advice and try to distract myself, although i've tried this and find it hard while i'm getting the symptoms but will have to try harder.

Again Thank you for replying
