View Full Version : Dizziness, Flu, Nausea, Unbalanced worries

25-11-15, 08:59
Hi guys,
So I am back again, now I need advice and some reassurance because I am really struggling. I got sick over 2 weeks ago and had aches, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat etc and it wouldn't get better...I'd just get worse. So I finally caved and went to the doctor and he put me on Anti-biotics. But I keep thinking the worst like HIV or something, my immune system is usually really strong.

My bf and I have been together for nearly a year and he got checked out and nothing came back but I still can't stop worrying, my mum has cancer atm and is going through treatment and I want to look after her and not let these worries constantly overtake my life..

I have been a mess, I have also been nauseous and dizzy and unbalanced and my worries go to more worries, a vicious cycle. It goes from one thing to another, I cant eat properly coz I'm nauseous and I think the worst if I get itchy or (like right now I'm itchy under my breasts coz I am thinking about it) I also have been waking up half asleep not being able to see properly and I panic and blink a few times until I can and read that it could be MS on google...so another worry.

I went off my anti-depressant 25 days ago and am trying the natural route but I am starting to lose it, even when I'm on them I go through major H.A anyway. Please some-one give me some guidance...I am sick of being afraid, I had a panic attack during class too (I'm 27 studying disability work and it was so embarrassing) felt like I was dying.

I usually do kick boxing and belly dancing every week but haven't been able to coz I've been sick and my bf lives in Sydney and I am in Melbourne so we don't get to see each other often and my anxiety causes arguments.

Thank you guys, love and light...

25-11-15, 12:49
Hi, and sorry to hear this.

I've been through worries about all sorts of illnesses, and I've still got some worries.

Lot's of people have been ill with bad flu around me recently. I've had about 4-5 days of aches (they feel like flu aches as well) and I still have a chesty cough from it.

My anxiety tends to leave me feeling a little dizzy, unbalanced, I get worried like crazy, and I get a nervous feeling in my legs.

I imagine that coming off the medication will have a huge effect on you. Depression and anxiety can play so much part in illness its unreal. I wasn't aware until around June this year when it went way out of control!

I'm coming off anxiety medication and yesterday I had a moment of losing it because I'd had a bad morning getting to work, almost late, too much traffic, broken umbrella, and I was aware I had a lot to do after work. I lost it. Just for a bit.

I am still feeling the effects of that little panic because I am barely on any medication (2mg diazepam once per two days and stopping it soon....beta blockers didn't work!).

Good luck...let it pass....it will.

dizzy daisy
25-11-15, 14:09
Sarah I've been the same, had some sort of weird virus that went in for weeks. I think because it didn't just go I started with the what ifs and then the anxiety has made it 1000x worse. Now I'm stuck in a rut. We just have to accept that it's anxiety and it will pass. Patience is not something I'm good at but that's exactly what I need to be with this xxxx

27-11-15, 23:31
Thank you both for your replies, it's helps me a lot. I'm at the doctor getting blood tests now. I was on Zoloft for 12 years so trying to get off it is huge and I ended up having a small dose the other night because my brother and my mum talked me into it.

I have really been struggling and worrying like nothing else. Still dizzy, fatigued, tired, weak and slight vertigo. I just want to feel normal again 😞 I don't want to be this burden on people who need my support and not to support me. Much love and light

dizzy daisy
28-11-15, 09:22
You're welcome Sarah. I had bloods done in the end too it seems they're OK. I'd got myself into a state about that too just thinking I feel so crap it must be something going on physically but turns out not to be the case. Because I got so worked up over the bloods it magnified the anxiety again and now I'm in a real rut with it. Just got to tell myself they came back fine, I need to be happy about that, I need to let it go and move on.
I hope the bloods have a quick turn around for you and at least that will give some piece of mind. Xxxx

---------- Post added at 09:22 ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 ----------

Let us know how you get on xxxx