View Full Version : Pins & needles in foot

18-02-07, 20:23
I posted last night about my sinus infection, noone replied but hey ho, lol!

I have had what feels like pins & needles in my left foot for about 4 days now, its annoying but its kind of starting to worry me. When im resting up, like now, I can feel it in my left foot only. Not so much numb but like I can feel the blood rushing round very fast. Anyone else had this?

I have also had it on the tip of my nose but I put that down to me blowing my nose 24/7 at the moment;)

I know you can get this with anxiety but im honestly not panicking, I have had it when ive had a panic attack in the past but im not having those, its just there constantly and only in my left foot.

18-02-07, 20:53

I have had this in hands and feet and like you, I think I'm not panicking but inside I think we still do, even though we think we are not.


18-02-07, 20:58

I am probably thinking about it far too much but at the tip of my nose thats very annoying but I thought that was more likely because I had a cold and sinus infection and have been blowing my nose for britain:p

Me being a worrier alsorts has come into my head like ms or something.

18-02-07, 21:02

I went through the same thing, might find a thread I did about it.

I have problems (symtoms) at the moment and I'm thinking of the worse, it makes the days long and tiring.

I have never had the tingles in the nose but deffinetly in the arms, hands and feet.


18-02-07, 21:27

I guess the one at end of my nose is due to my sinuses and blowing my nose alot but of course me being me im linking the 2 and thinking something worse.

19-02-07, 00:17
hi cherry

my right foot was numb on the top for a few weeks one time i got realy scared about it silly i know but it felt realy wired .i went to see the doc and she sead it will be a traped nerve and to leave it for 3 weeks if it didnt go ,go back and see her .
in the end the feeling came back to normal .
dont worry about it i think it will be ok
jo xx

19-02-07, 10:13
I get tingling/numbness in my nose too, I dont know what it is and I suppose it's put down to a very slight panic/anxiety/stress issue in my subconcious perhaps?

19-02-07, 11:53
Thank you all,

A friend of mine said for MS there are many other symptoms and numbness is for alot longer before GP will worry so im not that concerned now.

I shall see how it goes and when I see my DR in a month for my iron check I will mention it.

Thanks again.