View Full Version : Third lot of antibiotics and still have wheezing in lungs

25-11-15, 14:04
Been to the walk in clinic today as my chest infection isn't clearing up. Still coughing and my glands are up.
This is my third week of suffering and doctor thinks I've developed pleurisy as I have a sharp pain in my side.

She listened to my lungs and said she can hear "wheezing" on both of my lungs. I have no temperature and my throat is clear. Also my oxygen level (used finger clip) is 99% so I assume that's very good.
I'm very bunged up and my sinuses are running all the time. I had green snot this morning (sorry for tmi)

I've had amoxillican and doxycycline. I've now been prescribed an inhaler (which I'm scared of taking) and clarithromycin to take twice a day.

I'm terrified I have something terminal - I know that a symptom of congestive heart failure is wheezing on the lungs from fluid + shortness of breath.
I'm also scared of COPD and emphysema.

Someone please advise/reassure me :(

---------- Post added at 14:04 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

Bumping this up as I'm terrified, can feel healthy anxiety coming back worse than ever

25-11-15, 14:14
Sorry you are having such a difficult time :( I have a lot of chest problems that often get worse due to asthma. I am off work at the moment and on amoxicillin and prednisolone as I have a chest infection.

I know how scary it can be having these thoughts. It is almost heartbreaking as well when these thoughts come back when we've been doing so well with our health anxiety.

Why are you scared to take the inhaler? If it puts your mind at ease I once had a terrible chest, some years back when I wasn't managing my asthma. Anyway to cut a long story short I saw the dr who gave me a steroid inhaler and my symptoms cleared pretty quickly.

I am using something called a salt pipe at the moment. You can get them for 15 quid from Holland and Barrett or buy them online. The idea is you breath in air that comes through the salt and its supposed to help thin mucus and clear your airways. I've been using mine for a few days now and it has helped a little, so maybe give that a try :)

Hope you are feeling better soon and remember, you aren't alone! You have felt better from HA before and this is just a blip. You will get through this xx

25-11-15, 17:03
Sorry you are having such a difficult time :( I have a lot of chest problems that often get worse due to asthma. I am off work at the moment and on amoxicillin and prednisolone as I have a chest infection.

I know how scary it can be having these thoughts. It is almost heartbreaking as well when these thoughts come back when we've been doing so well with our health anxiety.

Why are you scared to take the inhaler? If it puts your mind at ease I once had a terrible chest, some years back when I wasn't managing my asthma. Anyway to cut a long story short I saw the dr who gave me a steroid inhaler and my symptoms cleared pretty quickly.

I am using something called a salt pipe at the moment. You can get them for 15 quid from Holland and Barrett or buy them online. The idea is you breath in air that comes through the salt and its supposed to help thin mucus and clear your airways. I've been using mine for a few days now and it has helped a little, so maybe give that a try :)

Hope you are feeling better soon and remember, you aren't alone! You have felt better from HA before and this is just a blip. You will get through this xx

Scared of taking inhaler because of side effects like shaking and heart rate. Does it cause really nasty symptoms?

I just tried to do it but found it really difficult to do as I've never done it before.

Thanks for your post, really helpful.

---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------

Can anyone else offer advice or help?

25-11-15, 17:19
Scared of taking inhaler because of side effects like shaking and heart rate. Does it cause really nasty symptoms?

I just tried to do it but found it really difficult to do as I've never done it before.

Thanks for your post, really helpful.

---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------

Can anyone else offer advice or help?

The best advice was from the doctor...Take the medication and use the inhaler as directed. Get rest and keep yourself hydrated.

Positive thoughts

25-11-15, 18:12
Does anyone think it sounds like COPD or heart failure?

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

The best advice was from the doctor...Take the medication and use the inhaler as directed. Get rest and keep yourself hydrated.

Positive thoughts

Thanks. I really don't want to use anymore antibiotics �� I don't have a fever and my lung capacity is 99%

25-11-15, 18:23
Does anyone think it sounds like COPD or heart failure?

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

Thanks. I really don't want to use anymore antibiotics �� I don't have a fever and my lung capacity is 99%

I just want to be clear in what I'm reading. You're thinking this is heart related (which it's not) and are not going to take the medication?

Positive thoughts

25-11-15, 21:21
I just want to be clear in what I'm reading. You're thinking this is heart related (which it's not) and are not going to take the medication?

Positive thoughts

I'm worried it's heart related because of the lung congestion and I know this can be a symptom of heart failure.
Also I've put on weight recently and I know this is another symptom.

I'm worried about taking yet more antibiotics and this particular one is very strong and can cause long qt syndrome. I know I shouldn't have looked it up but I did :(

I'm going to see my own GP on Friday so hopefully I can talk to her about it and explain how I don't see why I need antibiotics when I don't have a temperature and no proper signs of infection.
I tried using the inhaler, not much success :( all ended up on my tongue and back of my throat...!
Try again tomorrow when I'm calmer. Was stressing out majorly.

I'm thinking of trying more natural remedies...echinachea, ginger and garlic...these are naturally antibiotics and can help upper respiratory symptoms.

25-11-15, 21:41
I don't see why I need antibiotics when I don't have a temperature and no proper signs of infection.

Been to the walk in clinic today as my chest infection isn't clearing up. Still coughing and my glands are up....

She listened to my lungs and said she can hear "wheezing" on both of my lungs.... I'm very bunged up and my sinuses are running all the time. I had green snot this morning

Wheezing, glands being up, green snot are all signs of some kind of infection. That and you saying your chest infection isn't clearing up! Certainly you can wait until you see your doctor as two days shouldn't make or break whatever is happening but recommending anything else outside a medical professional's advice would be irresponsible.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

25-11-15, 22:41
Yes, some inhalers do cause the jitters. I know the worry, I've been through this one myself. I stopped taking my asthma medication due to this and another fear and the result was a mild asthma attack. Whilst this won't happen to you if you don't take it, it will mean your breathing can be suffering when it need not do.

If you struggle to use the inhaler, which is very common in asthma sufferers, they can give you a mouthpiece which fits to the end which removes the problem and timing or you can have a "breath actuated" version which will fire the dosage when you breath in. Take a short strong in breath and hold it though, slow in breaths are not as effective.

26-11-15, 01:20
I get jitters off my reliever inhaler something rotten. I dont like taking it cause the feeling it gives me sometimes feels like anxiety, but over time I have gotten used to it and have trained my brain to accept it.

Definitely listen to your doctor and take your inhaler. If you are worried about any side effects speak to the doctor and they will put your mind at rest.

Natural remedies are really good. I am getting on well with my salt pipe. I also take aloe vera gel in the morning and take ginger tea. Ginger is really good for respiratory issues. Of course, they are no substitute for prescribed medication from your gp and should only really be used as complimentary therapy.

Rest will do you the world of good. When my HA has been rock bottom and I wasnt able to sleep or still even it would make me feel worse.

Full sympathy to you, I understand. I hope you feel better tomorrow morning xx

26-11-15, 09:41
Does anyone think it sounds like COPD or heart failure?

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

Thanks. I really don't want to use anymore antibiotics �� I don't have a fever and my lung capacity is 99%

What you have sounds the same as a lot of people at the moment. My dad has had it 6wks but he's almost 70. My kids have had it, my missus has had it and I've had it/got it!

With COPD you'd need a spirometry test but you've already said your lung function is 99% and oxygen sats the same. That's basically perfect.

Antibiotics can also catch bacteria before it develops further so you don't need to have a temp. You could also suggest a sputum test so the Doc can see what bacteria it is you have.

In regards to garlic, I use the powder directly on a minor skin infection which I get from an old pilonidal abscess and it does work but... Normal garlic capsules are useless, it needs to be 100% pure stabilized Allicin that is the only thing that has antimicrobial activity in garlic.

I highly recommend it and it's called "AllicinMax"
AllicinMax Website. (http://www.allicin.co.uk/section.php/12/1/allicinmax/9c29662a3e4baed67e58af91c4d01d4e)

Also have a hot shower and stay in there until the room is full of steam. Also get some Vicks and inhale the steam, that will help break up mucus. Try not to take cough meds (unless directed to or the cough is really bothersome) as coughing is a good way of getting the crap out!

Also if you go out cover your mouth with a scarf if it's cold and if you smoke.... STOP.

26-11-15, 09:46
Steam is excellent for respiratory problems. Vicks is good as is olbas oil or menthol crystals in a big bowl of hot water with a towel over you head. Get hold of a salt pipe as well if you can, I have been using mine for a few days and it helps your lungs and sinuses expel all the gunk naturally with no side effects. Mine is meaning I have to use my reliever inhaler less which is good as it makes me jittery.


26-11-15, 09:55
Think I'll try a salt pipe myself!

26-11-15, 10:34
I've bought a salt pipe. Just got to add it into my routine now.

I was going to buy one of those 5 year ones as they are supposed to be cheaper but then I had a look at the price of the bags of salt crystals on Ebay and found it worked out cheaper to buy the ones you add the saly into, which are intially cheaper, as they work out cheaper over 5 years than the fixed ones.

Snowflake - have a look into serrapeptase too. I've started taking that about 3+ weeks ago and I am finding my breathing seems a bit better. It works on lots of things but mucus is one of them. I'm finding I haven't got as much in my throat, something which I've had for 15+ years now. Hopefully the salt element will do some good too.

26-11-15, 11:36
Thanks Terry. The salt pipe is really good. I am using it about 4 times a day at the moment for about about 10-20 minutes each time. Sorry if its TMI, but I find it brings a lot of mucus up and out! I get horrible lumpy mushy things at the back of my throat/nose when I am poorly, they look like little bits of brain! anyway this thing helps thin it all out. I feel sick after reading that back lol!!! urgh!!

Not heard of serrapeptase, will check that out. I am drinking 120ml of high quality aloe gel/juice each morning now too. I hear that is good for asthma as well.

Also - chicken soup! not the creamy stuff in a tin but the packet noodle stuff. works a treat for mucus and congestion.

26-11-15, 23:30
Thanks Terry. The salt pipe is really good. I am using it about 4 times a day at the moment for about about 10-20 minutes each time. Sorry if its TMI, but I find it brings a lot of mucus up and out! I get horrible lumpy mushy things at the back of my throat/nose when I am poorly, they look like little bits of brain! anyway this thing helps thin it all out. I feel sick after reading that back lol!!! urgh!!

Not heard of serrapeptase, will check that out. I am drinking 120ml of high quality aloe gel/juice each morning now too. I hear that is good for asthma as well.

Also - chicken soup! not the creamy stuff in a tin but the packet noodle stuff. works a treat for mucus and congestion.

Thank you so much for all your help everyone.

I've just ordered a salt pipe inhaler from amazon. As recommend by Dr Chris on This Morning! Can't believe reading some of the reviews! Sounds like a miracle cure :) I need something to stop my coughing so hope this will be the thing that does it.
Tried using the inhaler again tonight - still finding it hard - ended up on my tongue and throat again. I'm finding it hard to make the deep inhaling motion.
This is the 3rd week of "the cough". It's unbearable and has given me a nasty bruised rib/pulled muscle or tendon on my left side, I'm willing to try anything except yet more antibiotics! Unless it's really necessary!

26-11-15, 23:42
Ask for the nozzle attachment as that's for people who struggle with the deep breath method. They come in the box with the inhaler so your GP can easily sort it out for you.

27-11-15, 06:26
Thanks Terry. The salt pipe is really good. I am using it about 4 times a day at the moment for about about 10-20 minutes each time. Sorry if its TMI, but I find it brings a lot of mucus up and out! I get horrible lumpy mushy things at the back of my throat/nose when I am poorly, they look like little bits of brain! anyway this thing helps thin it all out. I feel sick after reading that back lol!!! urgh!!

Not heard of serrapeptase, will check that out. I am drinking 120ml of high quality aloe gel/juice each morning now too. I hear that is good for asthma as well.

Also - chicken soup! not the creamy stuff in a tin but the packet noodle stuff. works a treat for mucus and congestion.

Yeah, I read they make you cough for about a week when starting on them. I guess they are shifting mucus out just like when we have colds. There are even salt therapy centres opening up thesedays that mimic salt cave therapy which is where the salt pipe originates from. I bet they are good for people like us.

I didn't know aloe helped. I will have to look that up.

Serrapeptase is an enzyme found in silkworms. It's what chews through the cocoon they burst out of. Don't worry though, this is synthetic. It basically eats dead proteins so it unclogs your arteries but also eats scar tissue and reduces mucus so it's a possible anti inflammatory. SADNoMore (Marie, our resident vitamin queen) knows loads about it and uses it. She said she has found you need to dose up high at first to get enough in. I've just used one 80,000IU a day though as I have to get past my supplement anxiety issue (:doh:) with things. You can get them up to 250,000IU though. It's pretty reasonably priced stuff and plenty around. It might be worth a look if it helps with asthma, which is really all I had it for. I do have plenty of scars from childhood exzema though so if it helps with that, great.

---------- Post added at 06:26 ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 ----------

Thank you so much for all your help everyone.

I've just ordered a salt pipe inhaler from amazon. As recommend by Dr Chris on This Morning! Can't believe reading some of the reviews! Sounds like a miracle cure :) I need something to stop my coughing so hope this will be the thing that does it.
Tried using the inhaler again tonight - still finding it hard - ended up on my tongue and throat again. I'm finding it hard to make the deep inhaling motion.
This is the 3rd week of "the cough". It's unbearable and has given me a nasty bruised rib/pulled muscle or tendon on my left side, I'm willing to try anything except yet more antibiotics! Unless it's really necessary!

Yeah, salt therapy is an old fashioned remedy in many forms. I've gargled with it when I have colds as it helps get rid of some mucus and it helps to sterilise your throat. It may make you cough though. Medical pros normally appreciate salt therapy for wound healing anyway.

Your GP has steroids as an option too. I used to always get a chest infection from colds when I was a kid and antibiotics wouldn't always work so they used steroids which always worked.

Just a tip though, get plenty of vitamin C. I dosed up on this when I had a chest infection earlier this year and it's the first time I've not needed antibiotics in my life. Unless you "megadose" it's not going to be enough for you now with having a full blown infection (I reckon I caught mine early) but it may help. Split the doses out though as the body can't absorb more thna about 250mg of the stuff at any one time so I went 500mg AM & PM. Timed release works much better as really I should have been splitting it into more frequent smalller doses to keep my blood plasma levels up. Mega dosing seems to be getting more popular (some pioneering doctors use it for more serious things) but thats very different as you go very high and find "bowel tolerance". I'm not advocating that, although I like the look of it, I just think you can't go wrong with more vitamin C and 1000mg a day is the poor RDA anyway. Strawberries are high in vitamin C so you can even make it a treat! :yesyes: Rosehips are very high, but I think they are out of season for picking now (remove the hairs though if you do as they will aggravate you).

27-11-15, 08:57
my wife has has a really bad chest infection for the last 6 weeks ,she had two lots of antibiotics and a course of steroids to shift it,it did go eventually though

27-11-15, 09:02
Glad you ordered a salt pipe GirlAfraid! Mine has helped with my asthma/chest infection loads! I was coughing a lot last night and feel much better now, it really does work wonders. Terry - yes it can make you cough more when you first start using it, its made me feel so much better though like it is clearing all the gunk out! lol

I think I am going to get hold of some serrapeptase. I wonder if it would help with my endometriosis too? (I have it on my bowels!)

There are some fantastic complimentary/alternative medicines and therapies out there. Salt is just amazing, as is steam!

Aloe vera is supposed to help with inflamation. It is basically good for everything. I have been taking it every morning for a week now and it has sorted out the horrific constipation I was having (TMI sorry) but they were like little fossils lol. So painful! I eat a healthy, varied high fibre diet but I need something else to help things along. Fybogel (pysillium husk) works wonders for this too but not as good as aloe.

Vitamin C is good but the best way to get it is through food. Kiwi fruit is excellent for this. When I am ill I take the soluable vitamin C tablets in a glass of water every morning.

27-11-15, 09:34
my wife has has a really bad chest infection for the last 6 weeks ,she had two lots of antibiotics and a course of steroids to shift it,it did go eventually though

Glad to hear she is ok, Andy. My mum tends to have them for longer periods like that so it's like they go and come back. It can bruise the ribs a fair bit from all the coughing.

27-11-15, 09:40
Yes she got bruised ribs from coughing and also kept me awake all night !
Shes uses an inhaler and gets nasty chest infections

27-11-15, 09:41
Glad you ordered a salt pipe GirlAfraid! Mine has helped with my asthma/chest infection loads! I was coughing a lot last night and feel much better now, it really does work wonders. Terry - yes it can make you cough more when you first start using it, its made me feel so much better though like it is clearing all the gunk out! lol

I think I am going to get hold of some serrapeptase. I wonder if it would help with my endometriosis too? (I have it on my bowels!)

There are some fantastic complimentary/alternative medicines and therapies out there. Salt is just amazing, as is steam!

Aloe vera is supposed to help with inflamation. It is basically good for everything. I have been taking it every morning for a week now and it has sorted out the horrific constipation I was having (TMI sorry) but they were like little fossils lol. So painful! I eat a healthy, varied high fibre diet but I need something else to help things along. Fybogel (pysillium husk) works wonders for this too but not as good as aloe.

Vitamin C is good but the best way to get it is through food. Kiwi fruit is excellent for this. When I am ill I take the soluable vitamin C tablets in a glass of water every morning.

Thanks, thats interesting about the aloe.

Have you considered probiotics/prebiotics? They are very helpful for anything GI related. Prebiotics are actually soluble fibre so they don't add any bulk but will feed the probiotics in your bowel. Given your condition, this may need checking out first as I have no idea how that affects the heallthy bacteria balance in your bowel with that.

Yeah, vitamin C is best from natural fruit sources because of the bioflavnoids and other helpful things in them. I eat a good 3 portions a day anyway put add in 2 500mg timed release to top up. You always know when you are taking in too much vitamin C as you will be living by the toilet :D but bowel tolerance is pretty high anyway.

Liposomal vitamin C is the best as it is comparable to IV administered that doctors use. You can make your own and it's very easy but it's not true liposomal, it's more an enzyme based but still much better than supplements. True liposomal needs a lab to make from some research. It's much better though because it penetrates all the cells. I think thats how the IV works too. There is some remarkable work by pioneering doctors out there and how they are using vitamin C instead of conventional medicines to treat quite serious things.

I need to try out my salt pipe! I bought a peak flow too as I wanted to see if it had an effect as mine has dropped since my twenties.

If you Google serrapeptase and endometriosis you will get some hits from people doing just that. There is another one I think, nattokinase but I don't know much about that one.

Yeah, steam is good too. The old head over a bowl treatment. It does a lot for the pores.

27-11-15, 13:31
Three weeks now, I have bruised ribs also :( very painful. Each time I cough, it irritates it more.
The inhaler is too difficult to use :( I feel embarrassed but I cant get the technique right.

The salt pipe should be delivered tomorrow or Monday. I wish I ordered it sooner :( I'm very blocked in my sinuses as well.

I guess if this carries on I will need to get a chest X-ray. Apparently there is a lot of vitamin c in broccoli and peppers. I eat them all the time but clearly it's not working for me :(

27-11-15, 22:57
Lots of people struggle with inhalers so don't feel embarrassed. It's a well known problem to us asthma sufferers. They used to make rotahalers to make it easier but now it's the ones where you just breath in to activate the dose release.

Which type do you have? One that you have to press when you breathe? They could give you the breath triggered ones instead or add a nozzle attachment which also makes it easier.

28-11-15, 05:12
Yes she got bruised ribs from coughing and also kept me awake all night !
Shes uses an inhaler and gets nasty chest infections

I bet you didn't dare mention it though :winks:

28-11-15, 15:42
Lots of people struggle with inhalers so don't feel embarrassed. It's a well known problem to us asthma sufferers. They used to make rotahalers to make it easier but now it's the ones where you just breath in to activate the dose release.

Which type do you have? One that you have to press when you breathe? They could give you the breath triggered ones instead or add a nozzle attachment which also makes it easier.

Yes it's the ventolin blue inhaler. I find it difficult to breathe in and press at the same time.

I'd rather stick to something natural like the salt pipe so I'm hoping it will help, don't like the feeling the salbutamol gives me.

28-11-15, 15:43
I'm going to see my own GP on Friday so hopefully I can talk to her about it

What did your doctor say?

Positive thoughts

28-11-15, 15:47
What did your doctor say?

Positive thoughts

Unfortunately I couldn't get an appointment. Emergencies only and the next available one is 7th December :(

I'd rather try natural remedies anyway...antibiotics and salbutamol are making me feel awful.

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ----------

Oh and I've had a reaction to steroids before so can't take them