View Full Version : Anxiety up and worry about weekend

25-11-15, 17:30
Hey everyone, still struggling unfortunately. Having a real hard time with anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts. Mornings are toughest, best part of day is the couple hours in evening before I go to bed. I'm really worried that I won't get better. From April (when this started) to Sept I saw improvements, since then it feels like I've gone downhill. I'm on meds and have seen a couple counselors, but neither were a real good fit for me. I'm seeing a new psychologist on Monday and hoping that goes well.

I'm really worried about the long weekend coming up and what to do with myself, right now I'm scared to be alone too much as I know I'll worry, etc. Also next week I am supposed to take an online class for work from home and I'm worried about that. I really don't want to spend all that time to myself with too much time to think. So I am not sure what to do. I have one family member who knows I'm struggling and my best friend. But I haven't told most of my family I'm not doing as well since I didn't want to worry them.

Any advice would be appreciated, any words of hope would be wonderful. Cause I really need that right now.

25-11-15, 19:12
I completely understand what you're going through...it's all so hard and people that don't suffer with what we have to (stupid world. I hate it), don't understand...

The other side is (and I'm saying this because, today I finally admitted to my parents what's wrong), it may feel like it's going to cause added stress for the family but you will feel SO much better and, if they're a lovely family, will understand and support you.

Sending lots of love and hugs from here!