View Full Version : Finally, something in common

25-11-15, 18:18
31 and counting. 31 years I have been dealing with anxiety, since I was a child. My specific anxiety is health anxiety, and ironically I am a nurse-how funny is that. I had my first panic attack with my third pregnancy, and I wasn't diagnosed with GAD until 3 years later. I know the traumatic event in my childhood that caused this, I know my triggers. Googling symptoms is bad-because when we do that we all end up diagnosing ourselves with cancer. I really do not have anyone to talk to about anxiety, how it can be so controlling, and how it is a daily battle-at least for me. I am on wellbutrin, was recently started on buspar as well. I admit, my evening cocktails are used more for therapeutic reasons than social. I utilize cognitive therapy, but I have never reached out to a forum to talk to people like me. I don't have close friends, with the amount of hours that I work, it just isn't feasible. Maybe this forum can help me, and maybe I can help others. I know the weight of the beast that plagues us all. :blush:

25-11-15, 18:23
Hiya 31andcounting and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

26-11-15, 08:03
Hi 31, I hope you get some support on here X it really helps just to know that we're not on our own in this. You are so right - it does feel like a weight x